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seeds Germination question on soil

I know if I search enough and read enough I can find my answers but I don't really have time. I couldn't help but order some seeds from THSC and I want to go ahead and try to germinate a few. I bought a little greenhouse type thing with a heating pad but I'm not sure what kind of soil I should use to germinate the seeds. What do you all find best?
I can't tell you the best, But I will tell you waht I have used and what I think... Jiffy makes a seed starter soil. A half cubic foot is about 5 bux and will fill about 3 72cell starter trays. THis stuff is kinda difficult to use. First off it seems to shed water instead of hold it. I had to add water to the bag of soil and shake it periodicly for about a half an hour. Then i poured it thru a fine collander (screen of some sort). That was a pain. After that, it is pretty decent. However, when you let the soil dry out. it is hard as a rock and takes a while to soak in more water. All in all... I hate that product...

I started using a bit more expensive seed starter called Light Warrior made by Fox Farms.. It is available at most hydro shops. It Is about 20 bux for 1.5 cubic ft. It has thrichoderma and microrhizae which help with keeping the seedling healthy while young. This mix is very light (not heavy or dense). It has a small amount of starter nutrients which allows the plant to live longer before needing you to add nutes. This makes me feel like I'm getting my money's worth when I spend the extra cash......

On the other hand, my next door neighbor uses gravel and peat moss... He then waters his seeds in with liquid seaweed until he transplants them into the ground. That is really cheap.

You can also use rockwool but don't let it stay too wet or else the seedlings will fall over about a week after they sprout. THis is called "damping off".

Depending on the temperature, you may not need a heat mat. Don't allow the soil temp to exceed 90 degrees F or you may not have any sprouts. I keep mine at 80-85 for seedlings.

Also seeds don't need light to germinate. Once they germinate they need light so they don't get too leggy too fast. I keep my lights of for 24hrs a day until i move them into 4 inch pots. Then i move it back to 16 on 8 off.

I hope this helps..
Even though everyone thinks its blah, I tried a 75:25 mix of Miracle Grow Organic Choice and Miracle Grow seed starter. Had great germination results. The Fox Farms Light Warrior is a favorite amongst the weed guys.
Thanks guys for the input. And to address one thing you mention, I don't think I will need the heating pad now because of it being summer when I'm trying to do this. I will use it next year. Thank you all again.
Oh one more thing real fast before I start doing this. When you put the seeds in how much water did you use. Did you just mist the soil or did you wet it considerably?
I try not to make it too soggy, since the dome will keep it moist. I fill the tray up to about 1cm below the top and then mist it to get it pretty moist. Then I lay the seed on top and cover with the last cm of soil. Then mist that until it gets moist. That way there is moist soil both above and below the seed.
I try not to make it too soggy, since the dome will keep it moist. I fill the tray up to about 1cm below the top and then mist it to get it pretty moist. Then I lay the seed on top and cover with the last cm of soil. Then mist that until it gets moist. That way there is moist soil both above and below the seed.

Ok got it. Thanks.

Does soaking seeds actually help germination?
Even though everyone thinks its blah, I tried a 75:25 mix of Miracle Grow Organic Choice and Miracle Grow seed starter. Had great germination results. The Fox Farms Light Warrior is a favorite amongst the weed guys.

if you're in the east coast, treat your Miracle Gro stuff with BTi. A lot of reports of it coming with gnat eggs in them. If you keep it moist as you should for starting seeds, you'll might have to deal with those.
if you're in the east coast, treat your Miracle Gro stuff with BTi. A lot of reports of it coming with gnat eggs in them. If you keep it moist as you should for starting seeds, you'll might have to deal with those.

Funny you mention that (well not really). My wife did use some miracle grow stuff in a money tree we have and I just got done waging war with an army of gnats! They were all over. I wonder if that is where they came from. I even poured ammonia down the drains thinking maybe from those.
I use coco coir for every thing now. I won't tell you to dump the Miracle gro but its junk in my option. Again Have had great luck with plane coco.
I use coco coir for every thing now. I won't tell you to dump the Miracle gro but its junk in my option. Again Have had great luck with plane coco.

Coco coir is awesome too! I have used this in containers with great results. Im in the ground this year so i wanted to start in a similar media.
I germinate in coffee filters in a baggie when there is a good root coming out I put them in coco. Have had great luck with that. and yes I pre sock almost all my seeds some people here don't, most of my seed sprout in 4-6 days.good luck have fun if it not fun don't do it.
I only use Hoffmans seed starting mix...


it is the cleanest of the seed starting mixes and also IMO the lightest...true it takes a while for it to soak up the water but the way I do it is simply put the seed starting mix in the starter trays, plant the seeds, then sit the seed starting tray in water and leave it until the soil soaks up the water until saturated...this is just the way I do it...right, wrong, or indifferent...

I have used jiffy seed starting mix and the light warrior...again, this is my opinion, but, the jiffy seed starting mix is not as clean as the hoffmans (twigs and larger bits of "stuff"), and the perlite in the light warrior is too large IMO....
Jiffy seed starting mix works pretty good once you get it wet. I didn't like the miracle grow at all. It was very heavy and I got the worst germination rates from it. I prefer Pro-mix myself. I used the Ultimate Seed Startng Mix, but I know others just use the BX to start seeds. I had to order it from the Greenhouse Megastore, but it was worth the shipping. I got over 90% germination with it.

I've had nothing but grief trying to germinate seeds in soil; 99% failure.
Using coir pucks I'm now enjoying 90+% success.
I know there are other germinating mediums, but soil/dirt isn't one of them, IMO.
In my opinion soil is more important after germination. Heat and moisture are what's really important for sprouting. Try germinating using the paper towel/coffee filter technique and then transplant into a good loose, well drained, ph'd "soil"
I personally like peat based mediums but coir is also good if you use coir specific nutrients
In my opinion soil is more important after germination. Heat and moisture are what's really important for sprouting. Try germinating using the paper towel/coffee filter technique and then transplant into a good loose, well drained, ph'd "soil"
I personally like peat based mediums but coir is also good if you use coir specific nutrients

+1 Couldn't agree more! Cheers.
I used fox farms ocean forest. It worked well. With how loose it was it seemed like it would be hard to over water anything in it as long as the container has good drainage. This was my first year doing this from seeds and i didn't really have a very large seed sample but for me starting in soil worked better than starting with the baggy method. I will continue to use this soil for as long as I can find it.
I also tried pure compost in germinating peppers and several varieties of veg and herbs. I get pretty good germination with it, 80-90%. Except for the stubborn ones like manzanos and or rocoto seeds. I'll try coco coir with pube seeds this time.