Geez, another great thread. I used the direct sow into the small cells, two to four seeds per cell last year with Poblanos, Serranos, and Marconi Rosso, just because that's the way I usually start all my garden stuff. The flats were placed under a 4 foot, 2-tube flourescent fixture, no special light type. I made an aluminum foil tent that enclosed the flats, and left the light on for 12-16 hours a day. Temperatures were around 75F lights on, and 65F lights off at night. The pepper seeds had a high rate of germination, with 2 or 3 three seeds coming up in each cell with a few exceptions. I generally followed the procedures outlined in the above thread after germination. I guess my question to answer this coming season is, will this suffice for some more exotic pepper types? I'll post photos and results on my GrowLog when we get going here in the Pacific NorthWest. We are about 3-4 months from the 'last frost' date, so I'm thinking of starting the germinating process in 6 or 8 weeks. Maybe I should get going earlier?