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seeds germination question....

Probably already know the answer.... I don't have antghing to control temperature, so I'm left with indoor ambient temps.... the garage goes from upper 60s to low 90s and I have everything in there for germination right now. Depending on the room, inside the house, temps stay in the 70s....
Are constant 70s better for germination or a range where the seeds will spend the majority of the time in the 80s but will have to deal with temps above and below?
I would say garage would be better but I germinate my seeds in my house and it stays around 76 but in the cabinet where I keep my stuff it is around 80 and with the lights on I think it was 84
I'm no expert, but I would imagine that germination would be easier with constant temps.

BUT with the given range, I don't think germination would have any problems anyway.

You can put your germination box on top of the fridge for added heat if you want them inside at a constant temperature. But anything under 80 is going to give you slow germination
I gotta monitor the temps in the spare room, once I get my computers set up in there, it should be in the constant 80s....

Only asking because earlier this season when temps didnt hit 90s in the garage I had no issues with germination, with quite a few popping within a week.... and for seeds germinating in the wild without human interaction, wouldn't they experience the same temperature swings in the ground, although maybe not as drastic as 60s to 90s? Ive had 6 varieties germ on this second round within two weeks but my methods of keeping them moist are pretty bad right now.... either I get too much water in the cups or not enough.... Pretty sure its simulating similar wild conditions, as well....
Wild conditions aren't optimum, while constant temp and proper moisture are what will give ya the quickest germination.
They'll pop for ya in the garage or at your indoor temps, but germination time and percentage will suffer some.
These are the second round starts for first rounds that didnt pop or didnt survive so I'm only hoping for the best. Earlier they were in a starting tray from Burpee. Tryibg my hand at the moist papertowel method but in little plastic lidded cups instead of a ziploc bag as I find these easier to mark and I don't have to worry about transferring the sprouts to a pot or anything and it eliminates the chance of mixup with planting.... temps are more favorable now than my first attempt.... just eanting to make sure I'm just not getting lucky with what has germed already before I finish up everything with the vendor most of my not germinating seeds came from for replacements.... still find it interesting the majority of what has germinated where seeds acquired in trades from members here than seeds purchased....
Thanks.... something must be right, got a butch t that just started pushing out a taproot.... I didn't get any on the first round....
rhm3769 said:
These are the second round starts for first rounds that didnt pop or didnt survive so I'm only hoping for the best. Earlier they were in a starting tray from Burpee. Tryibg my hand at the moist papertowel method but in little plastic lidded cups instead of a ziploc bag as I find these easier to mark and I don't have to worry about transferring the sprouts to a pot or anything and it eliminates the chance of mixup with planting.... temps are more favorable now than my first attempt.... just eanting to make sure I'm just not getting lucky with what has germed already before I finish up everything with the vendor most of my not germinating seeds came from for replacements.... still find it interesting the majority of what has germinated where seeds acquired in trades from members here than seeds purchased....
Are you sure your first round failed?
It took my seeds like 2-3 weeks to sprout in those seed starting trays, and maybe just under a week for the coffee filter/container method. I had given up on the tray actually until one day a little bhut poked it's head up, then like clockwork over the next week and a half other varieties started showing up
Pretty sure it failed.... I put seeds in almost two months ago.... two weeks into it I had 30+ seedlings from 48 varieties.... and a handful more the next two weeks.... most of what failed were lost to being moldy.... this this around, ive had 4 of tge failed ones germ....