seeds-germination germination without heat source

So I've read as much as I could find as far as FAQs on germination. I've started a few pequin seeds in a paper towel inside closed Tupperware. But the house right now stays in the 60s. Should I just unlock the wallet and buy a mat or starter dome kit to supply the right temp, or will they germinate eventually? I'm asking because I'm getting ready to start some super hots and would like to know what the best route would be. Any advice or links to an article would be appreciated!
Check the temperature with a thermometer. Avoid any set-up that overheats even once.

It probably wouln't hurt to beta-test any heat-source -- even a horticultural heat mat manufactured for that purpose -- to ensure that it doesn't ever overheat. Place the remote sensor of a digital thermometer in moist potting media in a seeding tray with the canopy in place. Activate the heating mat for 24-48 hours.

This may be overly cautious, but i once had a newly-purchased aquarium heater malfunction overnight, heat-killing everything (including aquarium plants). The odor alone was a tragedy unto itself... i could get a little bent emotionally if i lost a season's worth of seed stock to overheating or a sudden outbreak of fungal pathogens ('damping-off' diseases caused by Botrytis, Fusarium, or Pythium fungi, for example) or bacterial wilt (both of which are likely at abnormally high temperatures).
Put it on top of your router, fridge, basically all electrics that stay on 24/7. And what Mike said.. prevent spikes and drops. Heat will kill germing seeds, so will cold drafts. Frequent large changes in temp will also slow germination a lot.
I have several seedling mats but decided to lay the double-ziplocked bag on my router. I had to put a towel underneath and the bag is in the mid 90s. This is approximately the same temperature as the seedling mat.
Wow I didn't even think about the router as a significant heat source, that's perfect! I was going to put them on my stereo receiver, but the few times a week I listen to vinyl probably wouldn't cut it. Plus that thing gets super hot
Most electronics generate heat. Laser thermometers are awesome too and very handy.
I double bag my moist coffee filters to be safe. The bag sits on top of a folded towel resting on the router.
Ok wife just told me the router feels warm but not hot so that's what ill be trying. Another question, my frozen pods, can I germ the seeds straight after I thaw or should I pull them after the dehydrator? I only dry at 95
I like to place them under the florescent lights straight away...  This works to warm the soil adequately as well as ensuring that the seedlings will not etiolate once they hook.
I checked my router with an IR thermometer and it read 90~95 which I figured would be alright, but the act of putting the bags of germinating seeds on it covered the vents for the fans and the temp ramped up to ~115.  I think that killed the seeds I was trying to germinate as it's been 3 weeks with no signs of life while the ones I germinated on a heat mat in soil are at about 75% germination rate in less time.  Whatever set up you use, test it with everything you would use normally minus the seeds to make sure adding the equipment doesn't change the temps
on top of fridge is good, as it wont get too hot like a pc or router.
or like noah said, you can just germ them under your lights as that will give you heat anyway.
Based on this topic as well as others I've posted, sounds like I need a light set up. Off to the FAQS!

Thanks everybody for your input. Hopefully if all goes well I'll be starting my first glog soon, then you'll all know how I ended up doing everything
I personally gave two heat mat and have always had problems with over heating my seeds. I had great success putting them on top on my fridge in a Tupperware. Thanks to mpicante for advising that. My sole way of germinating now.
I have mine in a tupperware on a layer of perlite on the router which is in a spare room that seems to stay around 75' or so according to my room thermometer (78' right next to the router). But I've been asked firmly to please relocate it, as apparently all the extra humidity isn't "good" for electronics.  :rolleyes:
Has anyone tried making a DIY seed bed set-up using incandescent Christmas lights? I have a whole box of them I just moved to the garage a few days ago.
The top of our fridge does not get hot or even warm. Go figure!
I cant stress this enough. Stop wasting your time with moist paper towel method. A month from now you will have seeds with tails that still need planted. Its just 20-30 days wasted.

If you have extra seeds do yourself a favor and try this... Put potting soil in seed trays, plop in some seeds about 1/4" deep.. water. Keep moist.. you will be amazed how fast they come up. 1-2 weeks is common for most varietys.

My first peppers i read the paper towel method was necessary. Wish i never read that article. I will never waste time doing that again. Very over rated technique. There may be better ways that my way of planting a seed and letting ir grow, but paper towel method is not one of them. I dont use domes or heat mats either. I dont presoak seeds. I stick them in soil and mark the variety and every other day give them a shot from an eye dropper.