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Getting my 1st grow in order and about to begin! Everything is ordered

I'm new to gardening but I have put in a ton of hours towards research and I'm extremely excited to get started. This will be a huge project for me as I am a quadriplegic but I have help and I am no stranger to uphill battles.
Today, my 32 x 32 x 63 grow tent arrived which has me totally stoked and I was able to complete my order and receive shipping information for my lights, nutrients, pH tester, pH up down, cal mag, rockwool, battery-operated liquid transfer pump, four 3.5 gallon buckets with 6 inch net basket with 12 inch lid, indoor outdoor digital hydrometer with probe, timers, seed starting kit and tray and then made a trip to Walmart and picked up a 12 pack of quart size bigmouth Mason jars which my 14-year-old daughter graciously painted with black chalkboard paint which will keep the light out.
I don't know how to tag but if I could I would tag Hog leg who has been amazing and sent out 18 different samples of seeds which I am very excited about beginning work with once they arrive!
My plan is to start small and slow with 2 plants and once I get the hang of things and really start feeling comfortable I will get a much larger tent and begin more projects.
I am super grateful for this new project and for all of the people that came before me that I am able to learn the burn from!
I will start out my glog with a simple picture of the Mason jars my daughter has been working on for me and once things start arriving I will continue updating with pics and video.


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