Getting plants out of nutrient lockout?

For those interested in organic gardening I submit this as the foundation of organic soil as a wise man once said and I agree 110%,
"Get your compost/vermicompost figured out and you won't have many questions that need an answer.
What I'm trying to say here is that in an organic garden, first and foremost, before absolutely anything else, the single most important thing which will make or break your garden is the quality; the viability of the compost and/or the vermicompost which you base your soil on. ALL ELSE IS SECONDARY - period. Now, I'm not saying that certain soil amendments aren't important but the recipes we advocate around here are surely not set in stone - not by a long shot. As long as you make sure that you are using good, rich compost and/or worm castings then you are basically assured of success."
Blister said:
And who is selected to climb through the mile long pipe of poo?
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Hey, I started writing those letters and it turned around and bit me in the ass. When I messaged for REAL mod assistance like to move a post in the wrong thread my shit just went unanswered and ignored  :rofl: and I knew he's wasn't doing that to other members. I think he just had a routine of deleting my messages after more than a few. Come to think of it, I don't think Scratch is even a mod here anymore?!? Maybe I drove him crazy :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
Sorry for the highjack :rofl:  but it kinda pertained to this old thread