food Ghazaala (andhra meat curry with green chillies)

I thought I would share with you one of my favourite simple curry recipes from South India. I am a bit of a Indian/Asian cooking fanatic with over 30 books on India alone. This one is a simple but authentic curry that allows the flavour of good fresh green chillies to really come through. An Indian cayenne type, like Pusa Jwala would the most authentic to use, but use whatever you want/have in the garden. It is from the essential Andhra cookbook by penguin - a very good old book with authentic recipes although I doubt some of the recipes like curried sheep brains and a pilau that requires two whole goats will ever get used  :)
This can be made with chicken (I prefer whole cut into 6-8 portions), lamb (cube), goat (cube) or mixed veggies, if you are that way inclined. I prefer lamb but chicken is good as well.
1/4Kg (1/2lb) fresh green chillies 
1/2 cup curd or natural yogurt (if using yogurt try to use a full fat one)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste (I go with 1 & 1/2 tsp)
2 tsp Coriander powder (dry roast seeds (10-20 second on dry medium heat frying pan) and grind ideally or just use bought powder)
1/2 cup of ghee/oil
1 Kg (2lb) Onions (finely sliced)
1/2 Kg (1lb) meat/veggies (see above)
2 tsp ginger (minced/finely chopped)
2 tsp garlic (minced/finely chopped)
3 cups of warm water
1 large bunch of coriander leaves (cilantro) chopped
Juice of 3 limes
1.Grind half of the green chillies and mix with curd/yogurt, turmeric, salt and coriander powder.
2. Slit remaining chillies length ways and fry with the oil/ghee in a heavy based pan on a medium heat - until the chillies change colour. Remove from oil with a slotted spoon leaving as much oil in the pot.
3. Fry onions in the same pan until they are a light golden colour on a low heat (this is important and shouldn't be rushed - if the pan is too hot the onions will burn - it should take about 20-25 mins)
4. Add meat and change heat to medium, cook stirring until meat has changed colour (for lamb and goat esp supermarket stuff - it will release quite a bit of liquid - simmer this until it has evaporated)
5. Add ginger, garlic and curd/yogurt mix and the water, cook on low heat with a lid until meat is tender
6. Add fresh coriander and the retained fried chilles and continue to simmer until the oil/ghee has separated a bit and is visible on the surface
7. Add lime juice, mix well and serve with white rice and/or roti/naan bread
Celtic67 said:
No worries! Have you made it yet?
I have indeed made this recipe (with cubed lamb and our first of the season jalapenos) and it was wonderful.  Served it with home made naan and iced tea.  Good stuff!       
I will be trying this in the near future. seems simple and sounds awesome. I wonder how it would be with game meat like venison?