food Ghetto Sushi- Origiri today!

Seems like there's a pretty staple motif for sushi around here. Ever since I developed a shellfish allergy I haven't been able to go to my favorite sushi places for fear of contamination. 
To satisfy my cravings I've been making it at home with some very cheap non fishy ingredients.
Standard seems to be Jasmine rice (prefer it actually) sometimes I'll make a cilantro lime rice even.  Cucumber, avocado (inside and sometimes out) apples and some with or without cream cheese. Spicy mayo inside n out. Aji Omni colors, aji pineapple and in this particular case smoked paper lantern flakes sprinkled on top.
I bring you the Ghetto D3monic Roll

No fancy plating today sorry
Dang, brother! You rolled that like a boss! I know you have experience rolling, though. ;)

Are you allergic to all seafood or just shellfish? I love sashimi in my sushi. I love unagi, sake, otoro, ikura and tobikko. All should be safe if you only have a shellfish allergy.
TrueNorthReptiles said:
Dang, brother! You rolled that like a boss! I know you have experience rolling, though. ;)

Are you allergic to all seafood or just shellfish? I love sashimi in my sushi. I love unagi, sake, otoro, ikura and tobikko. All should be safe if you only have a shellfish allergy.
I haven't been tested for everything but i've just been taking the allergists advice and avoiding sushi joints all together. I was having so many allergic reactions to so many places that i've become paranoid. Hell it could have just been leaky gut. I need to go back some day soon and get retested. Now that i'm careful of allergens I haven't been having reactions so I just been sticking with it. 
I love unagi like a mofo. Used to pound some double dragon rolls. had unagi inside and out. MMMMM I don't care for fish unless it's sushi. Cooked salmon smells and tastes awful to me but I can tear it up raw. Same with Tuna. About the only thing I never liked sushi wise was soft shell crab and urchin. 
D3monic said:
I haven't been tested for everything but i've just been taking the allergists advice and avoiding sushi joints all together. I was having so many allergic reactions to so many places that i've become paranoid. Hell it could have just been leaky gut. I need to go back some day soon and get retested. Now that i'm careful of allergens I haven't been having reactions so I just been sticking with it. 
I love unagi like a mofo. Used to pound some double dragon rolls. had unagi inside and out. MMMMM I don't care for fish unless it's sushi. Cooked salmon smells and tastes awful to me but I can tear it up raw. Same with Tuna. About the only thing I never liked sushi wise was soft shell crab and urchin.
We're on the same page, then! Gotta be raw. Urchin is alright, but I have found that it can be gritty. I'd kill for a decent sushi joint around here. Or even quality seafood to make my own. Hake is another favorite, but none for you, my friend.

You've got me jonesing.
I know apple in a roll sounds weird but it's now a favorite. The cool, crisp freshness of it is so appealing.. appleing... tee hee. 
Making Onigiri for the first time today. Stuffing it with a spicy tuna mix for my wifes lunch tomorrow. Having a salted one for a snack.
Practicing faces. My skills need some work lol

Was a little harder than I thought. Might be easier to work with left over rice instead of still hot. I stuffed my wifes with tuna and siracha mayo with a pickle diced up and some pepper. Basically tuna salad. 

I put rest of the tuna in a small tuperware and some crackers to go with it

My snack

Maybe next time i'll work on getting them  more uniform. 
Confusius say... give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day....  teach a man onigiri, he'll have rice balls for life....
Looks terrific