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Ghost dropping peppers?

all of my other plants are doing fine... producing and loving life. But my ghost will flower then the little tiny pepper will will fall off. there is no evidence of bugs or bacteria... its a healthy looking plant just not producing. It get right over six hours of sun temps range in high 80s to mid 90s

last week to try to fix this I bought bloom fertilizer 3-12-6 but in the waiting time do you all have anything that could shed some light??
use the search bar at the top right hand of the page and look around as this has been covered 500K times. dont mean to be an ass, but its there for a reason, do some research.
If everything has been asked whats the point of a forum. Let the guy ask his question...

Much easier to learn that way. If it bothers you that much dont read it
Your plant will produce when it is ready to! Weather conditions and growth size of the plant play a huge role as to whether the plant will produce or not. Here are some other probable reasons for flower/pod drop
.[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Flower drop probable causes:[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]1. Day temp too high >95F[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]2. Night temp too low <65F[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]4. Too much water[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]8. Lack of pollinating insects.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]9. Size of pot [/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]10. Too much mineral in feedwater.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]11. Too much grower attention[/background]
quit being lazy, most people learn from reading and researching! so do some searching on THIS forum in the growing hot peppers section. if after spending some time reading, you do not find the answer then post the question. i am only saying this as when i was new the older members did the same thing to me and it really helped me to become a better chili grower. i read and read some of what i read had nothing to do with my question but it was relavent to growing. if your plant is dying then yeah post up the question. and i am sorry but its not easier learned this way. like i said not trying to be an ass just trying to actually help!

there are so many variable to why pepper plants drop buds. i did a search and came up with THOUSANDS of threads that contained dropping of buds.

go have fun learning how to grow peppers.
This is a really great list - thank you for posting it.
The one thing I would add is lack of Potassium (K). I've noticed a distinct correlation between K deficiency and proper fruit set, not just in peppers. Most interesting is that the peppers seem to have just "set" from the pictures. I feed with 7-13-28 and since I've changed over to the high-K nutes, I've never had this happen.
I know this might not be the answer to your problem, but it has solved it for me in the past.
Best of luck!

Your plant will produce when it is ready to! Weather conditions and growth size of the plant play a huge role as to whether the plant will produce or not. Here are some other probable reasons for flower/pod drop
.[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Flower drop probable causes:[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]1. Day temp too high >95F[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]2. Night temp too low <65F[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]4. Too much water[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]8. Lack of pollinating insects.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]9. Size of pot [/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]10. Too much mineral in feedwater.[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]11. Too much grower attention[/background]
my Datils were doing the same thing. healthy plants, no bugs, and tons of flowers.. but few pods and the ones i had were very undersized when ripe..

check out these two threads




the only things i did were to move my plants to get some shade.. they get about 6-7 hours of sun now, down from 10...

I moved them to 5 gallon buckets.. (they were in 1.5 gal pots before)

and i tried hand pollenating.. ( which im not sure if that helped) once i pick this round of peppers i wont try that any more and we will se what happens..

Datil daddy mentions good things, id just like to add that they like to be well drained and not over watered.
Sry guys didnt mean to start arguements on my post I did do some searching to be fair and i saw some of the posts just wondering if the ghost needed special treatment. I love you guys on here. s600 didnt mean to anger you, im sure its annoying when this place gets overrun be noobs(unfortunality im one of them) :liar: . Cant we all just get along. anyways thanks that list was awesome... i think number 11 is my main problem. peace
I am having this same issue, EXACT same issue with my Red Savina and Mustard Habanero plants. HOWEVER.. my Thai pepper is growing peppers like a madman.

I find this really interesting and am wondering what the issue is. In MY specific case I think it is the different species reacting to the heat wave the midwest is seeing now. We are in a FULL BLOWN Drought. Its horrible. NO rain in over a month, corn is dying, grass is dying, trees are turning brown.

I am watering my peppers about every other day, and they are getting full sunlight now. My Thai/ kung pao and japanese peppers are seemingly doing okay, however my habanero types are dropping buds.

Here is a couple pictures to show you what is going on actually on the plants, I would imagine this is happening the same with Coach's plants since we are very reasonably close region wise. ( I hope you dont mind me posting within this thread instead of making a new one bringing up the same subject).



And just to show the Thai's mean Business..


And a group shot of my Habs- 2 Red Savinas in the back, A Mustard Hab, a Devils tongue in the front. The Devils tongue has just now started to put out a bud.


Coach, are you Ghost chilies roughly the same size? If so, maybe our issue could be basically the same if yours are grown in pots outside. I have a feeling its weather related, and I will move my habs underneath some shade this evening and see if that helps.

As you can see though, in my case this hasnt just happened with buds that have flowered, it is killing off freshly sprouted flower buds as well on some of the habs. Is it just too hot? Or is it waiting until it can produce more? idk. I only fertilize with a small ammount of fish poo every other week, and water maybe 2-3 times a week. The plants seem healthy, and are growing more and more leaves every day. so.. idk.
I am having this same issue, EXACT same issue with my Red Savina and Mustard Habanero plants. HOWEVER.. my Thai pepper is growing peppers like a madman.

I find this really interesting and am wondering what the issue is. In MY specific case I think it is the different species reacting to the heat wave the midwest is seeing now. We are in a FULL BLOWN Drought. Its horrible. NO rain in over a month, corn is dying, grass is dying, trees are turning brown.

I am watering my peppers about every other day, and they are getting full sunlight now. My Thai/ kung pao and japanese peppers are seemingly doing okay, however my habanero types are dropping buds.

Here is a couple pictures to show you what is going on actually on the plants, I would imagine this is happening the same with Coach's plants since we are very reasonably close region wise. ( I hope you dont mind me posting within this thread instead of making a new one bringing up the same subject).



And just to show the Thai's mean Business..


And a group shot of my Habs- 2 Red Savinas in the back, A Mustard Hab, a Devils tongue in the front. The Devils tongue has just now started to put out a bud.


Coach, are you Ghost chilies roughly the same size? If so, maybe our issue could be basically the same if yours are grown in pots outside. I have a feeling its weather related, and I will move my habs underneath some shade this evening and see if that helps.

As you can see though, in my case this hasnt just happened with buds that have flowered, it is killing off freshly sprouted flower buds as well on some of the habs. Is it just too hot? Or is it waiting until it can produce more? idk. I only fertilize with a small ammount of fish poo every other week, and water maybe 2-3 times a week. The plants seem healthy, and are growing more and more leaves every day. so.. idk.

Agreed about the weather being the prob. Mine are doin the same thing. Nice lookin plants by the way. Suppose to be up in the hundreds this week. Shade nets might be a must buy for this week. The past month has been terribly hot and dry. No rain at all.
In my personal experience with growing ghosts the past two years...try can be really finicky. The slightest thing may cause them to abort the flower or new pod. If you look at some of the research done on the ghost by Dave Dewitt and Paul Bosland - flower, bud, and pollen abortion is common with the ghost due to its genetic makeup. The first year I had them I thought I had bad seeds because the plant didn't hold a pod for about two months....then when it was just right, the plant began producing some serious buds and serious numbers of peppers. Just try not to over fertilize or overwater....this is what I have seen that really influences the blossom and pod drops.
At first I thought it was a new pepper.. "ghost dropping" peppers. thought to myself how does a ghost have dropping with no physical existance? then I opened the topic and laughed to myself
You will get out of any pursuit exactly what you put in . If you are unwilling to read and search for information you want you will not learn what you need to know to grow chiles.

Chiles are a common plant and it is silly to believe that your question is unique.....it's not. Use the search function and educate yourself.
Coach, I've got the same issue with my Bhut Jolokia as well. All 7 of my other peppers are producing fruit for me (with my two Naga Morich plants producing 60 pods between the two of them so far). I think bigbodybussey is correct, they are just very temperamental plants. I did get some good news this morning though, I have 1 baby pod growing on it now. So that's 1 pod for about 50 dropped flowers. Hopefully this will spark a chain reaction. All I can advise is to be patient.
One of my jalapeno pepper plants starting dropping buds and flowers like mad this year. I was concerned that the plant was too damaged during winter, my other plants were growing great and not having this issue. Last year this plant produced so well I could not keep up with it.

I decided to try a Miracle Gro Blossom Booster earlier this month, I had a thought that since the peppers are flowers first, maybe the flowers needed some help. Right now, my plant is covered with beautiful peppers.

I only fertilized once with the blossom booster and within a week the plant stopped dropping buds and flowers. It was a noticable difference that I would not hesitate to use the stuff again.

This was my experience with this jalapeno plant. I don't know if this will work with the super hots, but may be worth a try. Heck, I am not sure this was the help my plant needed, but I am very pleased with the results. I wish you the best of luck with your plant.
Well I just got back from a little vacation. I gave them a splash of water before i left, also i gave them some bloom fert. like a week ago. As compmodder can tell you its been mother f'in hot and dry recently in ky. so the weather may have something to do with it. but when i came back at like 1pm. there are two miniature ghosts popping out right next two each other!!!!!!!!!!!!! knock on some major wood. but hopefully the bloom fert. and cutting back on the watering did the trick. I was thinking about buying some shade netting but I think if i keep em watered just enough they should be fine. btw compmodder we should trade some pepper once they start coming in :hell: but thanks again everyone ill be posting pics soon!!!
yeah my bhut dropped around 80 flowers and this week I did an inventory count....got 14 - 1 inch long pods and lots more flowers. Im hoping all this rain doesn't cause a significant loss of the new pods and flowers. Glad you are seeing some pods on yours coach.