chinense Ghost Face Melter beer

I recently had some Ghost Face Melter beer by the Real Ale brewing company in Blanco, TX. This is some pretty wild stuff. The base beer tastes like a heavy porter, then they add one smoked ghost chili to the cask. The predominant flavor is peat smoke with a nice warming burn after that builds a little as you drink the pint. This is not going to register as anything more than mild for most of the people on this site, but it is definitely hotter than any other beer I have ever tried. Another quality effort from this central TX brewer. If you are ever in the area it is definitely something to look out for.

Tasted July 2012 on cask.
Hmmm. I wondering if i could just pull a growler out of my keg with a pepper of the day in the bottom. Do it in the morning, let it sit for a day and try it that night...
I'm wondering what some good beer / chili combos might be... sorry to hijack the thread. I'll see if my local craft beer distributor can get his hands on some Real Ale Brewing samples. Thanks
Chili beers are a recent craze in the craft brew scene. Personally I think it is a great idea, though obviously some are better than others. The chili in the growler idea might work just fine since a lot of the chili beers do essentially the same thing, adding the pepper to the aging barrel or the finished keg. The only thing that worries me is growler beers don't stay fresh for more than a few days, which might not be enough time to infuse the pepper flavor. Personally I think the spice works best with rich beers like porters or hop-heavy styles, but if anybody tries this with ANY kind of beer, let me know, I LOVE CRAY BEER!
That sounds pretty awesome. Being a homebrewer and having made a pepper beer their idea to combine peppers and a Porter is a good idea. I am sure I won't make it to TX and won't get to try it but it sure sounds good to me. Enjoy PepperWhisperer!!

Brutaldiver: With all do respect your idea does not sound far fetched to me while PepperWhiperer is right a growler that is filled and closed and kept closed will keep for a good while. I drank a growler of beer that had been filled and left closed and cold for 3 months and it was good. Your idea would work but I would say if you gave it like 2-3 days it would be even better with more pepper character.

While pepper beers are not for everyone I can hang with them..peppers and beer work for me.