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Ghost Pepper/Bhut Jolokia Varietals ID Help

Hi there! Hoping for a little insight here.  We have 3 ghost pepper plants, 2 we began from seed with one of the can kits from Amazon and 1 we purchased through our local nursery. Both produce lots of peppers, but the nursery plant peppers definitely look slightly different than the seed grown. The nursery peppers tend to be longer and duller/less waxy in finish. Wondering if anyone knows if these are different varietals or if it is normal to see that much variation with one variety.  I did a preliminary image search and the nursery/duller peppers resemble some images I see when I google King Naga. Any input is much appreciated!!

Nursery Plant Peppers on left and Seed grown on right,
As far as leaves/plant go...

This is the nursery grown plant...

This is one of the Seed Grown.
Nursery grown looks more bhutish while the seed grown may still be bhuts, they appear more habanero in shape. This is only opinion based on pics provided and nothing else.
Nursary plant pods look like some sort of Bhut Jolokia (or bhut cross) whereas to me the seed grown plant pods look in my experience more like a Naga (possibly Naga Morich) shape to my eye. Do you enjoy the taste/heat of them? Enjoy them !!