chinense Ghost pepper disappointment

Chocolate habanero and chocolate Scotch Bonnet are delicious to eat fresh but 7 Pot Douglah brown is for cooking only. I've found a lot of variety across all the colors I've tried. So far the only pod color I've never had is white.
Taste is very subjective for sure. Chocolates have my preferred flavor range in a pepper. I think they taste incredible yet hard to describe.
The most hearty tasting of all the colors.
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Ghaleon said:
Chocolate habanero and chocolate Scotch Bonnet are delicious to eat fresh but 7 Pot Douglah brown is for cooking only. I've found a lot of variety across all the colors I've tried. So far the only pod color I've never had is white.
You should try some of the little White Habaneros, they usually have a little kick and aren’t bad tasting
MulchyDreams said:
Taste is very subjective for sure. Chocolates have my preferred flavor range in a pepper. I think they taste incredible yet hard to describe.
The most hearty tasting of all the colors.
I'm still super partial to reds.  Don't get me wrong, I'll try other stuff, as it becomes available to me.  My experience thusfar, just hasn't been all that pleasing.
I think part of the problem is that flavor-wise, I just don't really like superhots, in general, very much. :D
MulchyDreams said:
Solid have you tried a Bubblegum Red or BBG Chocolate yet? A very reliably tasty and superhot pod.
If you mean 7 Pot Bubblegum, yes, I had one for 3 years that got huge. (and then died by hurricane)
BBG chocolate is a negative.  What is that one?

Favorite superhot so far, is probably a 7 Pot Burgundy. (although not as insanely hot as others)
I won't grow Ghosts or Reapers anymore because they're so floral tasting and I avoid most Bhut or Naga derived Super hots. I'm questioning why I'm growing Dorset Nagas this year except for the contest I'm in.

I'm excited for the 7 Pots I have going since I tried a Red Brainstrain last year. So far I have 7 Pot Yellow, Brainstrain Yellow, Brainstain Red, Large BBG red, Moruglah (Moruga Scorpion x 7 pot Douglah),  and Lava (Moruga x 7 Pot Primo). I think this will give me a good spread of this linage of super hot.

Any 7 pots that someone can recommend that I don't have on my list? I love fruity flavours with a deep burn. 
Winegums said:
I won't grow Ghosts or Reapers anymore because they're so floral tasting and I avoid most Bhut or Naga derived Super hots.
See, this is why I don't try to describe flavors with any kind of emphasis.  To me, there is nothing floral about either a ghost or a reaper.  Bhuts to me have an indescribable taste, that turns my stomach. (seriously, I find them to be gross)  Oh, and they also kick me really hard in the stomach.  I don't like that burn profile.  Reapers, on the other hand, are fruity, to me. I taste sweet, in fact.  And the burn profile of those, for me, is all over, every category, and a strange, build-up that feels like it's never going to stop.
Does anyone else here feel that these peppers are "floral"?  

This is clearly why I don't do wine tastings. (OK, so I do, but I really just want to drink wine)
solid7 said:
See, this is why I don't try to describe flavors with any kind of emphasis.  To me, there is nothing floral about either a ghost or a reaper.  Bhuts to me have an indescribable taste, that turns my stomach. (seriously, I find them to be gross)  Oh, and they also kick me really hard in the stomach.  I don't like that burn profile.  Reapers, on the other hand, are fruity, to me. I taste sweet, in fact.  And the burn profile of those, for me, is all over, every category, and a strange, build-up that feels like it's never going to stop.
Does anyone else here feel that these peppers are "floral"?  
This is clearly why I don't do wine tastings. (OK, so I do, but I really just want to drink wine)
Floral, perfume or apple blossom-ish are what come to mind when ever I encounter a Ghost or peppers derived from them. When I eat them it's like someone put perfume in my mouth before the creeper burn starts to build, ( I don't like the burn from ghosts either).
BBG Chocolate is a newer variety but very tasty. I forget who bred it first. I got the seeds in a trade. I agree the BBG Burgundy is a very nice pod. So far I've liked all the BBG variations.
JustLikeNapalm said:
Had my first ever super hot pepper, it was a dried chocolate ghost. To my surprise the pepper was not as hot as I thought it would be and found it to be quite enjoyable. Is this normal, and if so any recommendations for another super hot to try.
This is exactly what happened to me. But lucky for me, it was in a pepper eating showdown in my office. Each one of us had a ghost pepper to eat and one who can tolerate the heat for the most time wins ( without drinking water/juice/milk). Luckily, I got a pepper that was not too hot and I won :) 
MulchyDreams said:
BBG Chocolate is a newer variety but very tasty. I forget who bred it first. I got the seeds in a trade. I agree the BBG Burgundy is a very nice pod. So far I've liked all the BBG variations.
Interesting.  If we can both agree on the Burgundy, then I'm inclined to believe that maybe that Chocolate is worth a try.  I will look it up.
Perfume-like taste sounds like it HAS to be nasty, but eat a fresh Butch T. It's not an inaccurate description but they're still great.
I agree that flavor is subjective and the connotations of the lingo can be a bit muddled, as 2 different ppl might is the same term to describe 2 different flavor experiences...

I don't doubt that chocolates taste really good to some ppl and I treat like the upfront taste of JHC ps but then an aftertaste sets in that I don't dig at all... And I suspect that some ppl get that aftertaste, and others don't. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe some folks get that aftertaste but they think it's awesome.

As far as the Bhuts and Nagas, I have heard ppl claim they taste entirely different but I feel like the flavors are white similar (but emphatically not identical); the difference, I feel, lies in the burn profiles. Nagas kinda come out swinging, whereas the Bhuts tend to creep and build. I don't find either overtly floral. I think you can taste some chinense notes in the flavor, but there are other flavors in the mix, muting the chinense funk to a degree. I also feel like there are more sour tones in a Bhut than in most other Chiles I have tried... But others do not have the same opinion.

As far as Supers go, I am a huge fan of the Seven Pots...

Winegums said:
Any 7 pots that someone can recommend that I don't have on my list? I love fruity flavours with a deep burn. 
I'd have to say 7Jonah, for sure... 7SR is great, too, but they are very similar to the Red Brainstrain, which was derived from the 7SR... And I see that you're already growing Brainstrains. You got a very nice list, btw...
There are so many different strains of every pepper and every color, bound to be some that are hotter than others.  Add environmental factor and you wind up with a huge range of potential SHU ratings.  Someone mentioned above that those ratings do not change fresh to dry.  Sure that i true because they measure dry, but willing to bet how your tongue interprets things will change.  Someone mentioned dried pods are harder on your stomach.  I wonder if maybe fresh starts digesting / dissolving in your mouth more, so it seems hot.

I use dried pods in cooking, but eating them that way is just plain yuck in my opinion.
solid7 said:
See, this is why I don't try to describe flavors with any kind of emphasis.  To me, there is nothing floral about either a ghost or a reaper.  Bhuts to me have an indescribable taste, that turns my stomach. (seriously, I find them to be gross)  Oh, and they also kick me really hard in the stomach.  I don't like that burn profile.  Reapers, on the other hand, are fruity, to me. I taste sweet, in fact.  And the burn profile of those, for me, is all over, every category, and a strange, build-up that feels like it's never going to stop.
Does anyone else here feel that these peppers are "floral"?  
This is clearly why I don't do wine tastings. (OK, so I do, but I really just want to drink wine)
Ive grown reapers for 3 years now. Their one of my favorite specifically because i dont find them to have any floral flavors.