Ghost pepper leaves goes white... help!

Hi everybody!
It's my first year into the hot pepper growing world and it goes well for the carolina reaper and the yellow habanero but I have an issue for the ghost pepper. Some ghost pepper leaves goes completly white . What should I do...?

It's under the same 2 fluorescent then the carolina reaper which are growing perfectly. Is it too close less than 2 inch of the fluo?
You will need to provide more info than that. What is the wattage and kelvin rating of the bulbs. How many of them, and how close (already confirmed)  What it looks like without additional info is you have changed the lighting some how. added light, moved bulbs closer then they were previously or increased wattage. It appears to be the first stages of sunburn.  Growing medium looks very damp in addition and could be lending to the problem.
I use 2 sylvania 40w fluo. The plants are now 2 inch from the lights. They are in miracle grow potting soil mix with pellet chicken manure.They didnt go to the sunlight ever.
Maybe its because i move them closer, 1 inch... But I think they were already white before moving them closer.
There is no timer so light is 24 hours running...
What is the normal distance for those kind of lights?
Im pretty sure it's not the lights.  Plants indoors under lights usually turn purple if the light is too strong.  Are you over watering?  
I water them when the top half inch of soil is dry....
I transpot them one weeks ago from jiffy pot to small pot, but some leaves where already beginning to whiten.
Too much water for sure.  You can let them almost completely dry out between watering.  Once they start to droop,  then they need some water.  
Yup, really! They don't like being wet at all.  Get a good feel for a freshly watered pot,  and a completely dry pot.  Obviously the dry pot is gonna be much lighter.  That's how I can tell when they need water as well as a lot of people on here.
also, if you left them in the jiffy pellet it could be root bound, which would be complicated by overwatering.  I had a few of mine get stunted this way and I was scratching my head about it until I went to plant them in their outdoor homes.  If it's still in the mesh you might want to check it out and open it up or remove it gently.
Looks like sunburn, even from artificial light.  Keep them 2" away at least for the time being and turn off the lights at night.  You might even pull them out of the lights for a few hours a day.