chinense Ghost Pepper Nominclature

Trying to compile a list of ghost peppers and their proper nomenclature.  I am not sure which colors were achieved by crossing with something else. 
Red - Most common natural.
Jay's Red - Cross with scorpion yes?
Jay's Peach - Cross with scorpion but is there a peach that is not a cross?
Yellow - I -think- it is a natural variant.
Chocolate - I -think- natural variant.
Purple - Is it even a ghost pepper?  Is it even purple, ripens to red.
White - No clue.
There is a regular Peach Bhut. I grew it last year and it appears to be a natural variant, not a cross. IMO
Suezotiger, I forgot orange.  But thought it was ghost x hab?  Maybe one is one and the the other is the other.  Hmmm...
ajdrew said:
Suezotiger, I forgot orange.  But thought it was ghost x hab?  Maybe one is one and the the other is the other.  Hmmm...
I'm not sure actually.  I got orange ghost pods from Judy last year that were exactly like the red ones except orange, but I've seen pictures of some "orange ghosts" that look they could be hab crosses, as they were smooth.
The Jays Peach Ghost and Red Ghost are Ghost x Scorpion crosses.
There is Also a standard Peach Bhut.
Other Varieties and color variations include
Caramel Bhut
Carbon Bhut
Spotted Purple Bhut
Rust Bhut
Black Bhut
Carrot Bhut
Gold Bhut
There is more but thats what I can think of right now haha
jedisushi06 said:
what about the magical rainbow bhut!  I heard it comes from unicorn shit.
Interesting I had no idea....
Kyle Reese Contreras said:
Haha! That comment led my mind to think it was a shamins hallucingenic concoction haha! Ayahausca? minds....
jedisushi06 said:
what about the magical rainbow bhut!  I heard it comes from unicorn shit.
They dont really come from unicorn shit.  They just grow on unicorn shit the way magic mushrooms grow on cow shit.  The DEA made the Magical Rainbow Bhut illegal cause when you eat the pepper you have hallucinations.  Frankly, I don't know why the law is necessary as I doubt I would put either in my mouth due to that whole shit thing.
Strangely enough, I was trying to compile a list of bhut varieties this week with an eye towards starting a few of each this Fall/Winter and making a present of them for my father.
A few searches across various seed vendors turns up...
Red Bhut Jolokia - the standard experience
Peach Bhut Jolokia - I've held one of these in my hand and eaten it
Chocolate/Brown Bhut Jolokia - also have had in my personal possession
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Orange Bhut Jolokia
White Bhut Jolokia
I have found a few sources for the above list, and a fair amount of photographic evidence.
Caramel Bhut Jolokia
Mustard  Bhut Jolokia
Black Bhut Jolokia - seems like this might just be an extra dark chocolate?
Purple Bhut Jolokia - sketchy...
These become a little more suspect, especially the "Purple Bhut" which from the accounts I've read doesn't stay purple for very long, or sometimes not at all.  There is also some question as to whether it is even of true Bhut lineage at all.  Some of these colors are entirely subjective; who is to say that a Caramel Bhut isn't otherwise an Orange or Yellow?
And then there are these, which may just be masquerading as Red Bhuts:
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bih Jolokia
I'd love to have a semi-definitive list of truly stable varieties to form the basis for my Fall/Winter germination project.
KingLeerUK said:
Strangely enough, I was trying to compile a list of bhut varieties this week with an eye towards starting a few of each this Fall/Winter and making a present of them for my father.
A few searches across various seed vendors turns up...
Red Bhut Jolokia - the standard experience
Peach Bhut Jolokia - I've held one of these in my hand and eaten it
Chocolate/Brown Bhut Jolokia - also have had in my personal possession
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Orange Bhut Jolokia
White Bhut Jolokia
I have found a few sources for the above list, and a fair amount of photographic evidence.
Caramel Bhut Jolokia
Mustard  Bhut Jolokia
Black Bhut Jolokia - seems like this might just be an extra dark chocolate?
Purple Bhut Jolokia - sketchy...
These become a little more suspect, especially the "Purple Bhut" which from the accounts I've read doesn't stay purple for very long, or sometimes not at all.  There is also some question as to whether it is even of true Bhut lineage at all.  Some of these colors are entirely subjective; who is to say that a Caramel Bhut isn't otherwise an Orange or Yellow?
And then there are these, which may just be masquerading as Red Bhuts:
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon
Bhut Jolokia Assam
Bih Jolokia
I'd love to have a semi-definitive list of truly stable varieties to form the basis for my Fall/Winter germination project.
Bih Jolokia is a local name for Bhut Jolokia, people that sell both are usually selling 2x strains under the 2 names associated with the seed stock they got. Any physical differences are just lineage differences and not variety.
'Most' purple variety peppers are defined  by there starting unripe colour being purple, or maturing from green to purple then onto red or other colours. All this being said they do deserve their own place in a variety lineup.. I mean a Bhut that starts of pale green, dark green or purple that ripens to Red deserve there own category, as they probably will have varying taste and heat and pod shape as well... And while there may not be an official Purple bhut that finishes in that real shiny rich purple there is something out there that has a definite purple tone during ripening.