chinense Ghost peppers burns hole in throat

Most likely already had underlying esophagus issues prior to consuming that much paste in one sitting, let alone in a contest.
Prior acid re-flux could have greatly contributed to his emergency. I would never had tried that challenge  :fire:  :fire:  :fire:
I like the only comment on the link......
sigmund Posted on October 18, 2016
Yet another inexplicable American obsession. Why did anyone even have to cultivate a species so hot? I don’t have any problems with hot pepper or food, yet I find it difficult to comprehend why on earth anybody would go as far as consuming something that hot. It sure as hell cannot be enjoyable even for a hot pepper addict.
:rofl:  :rofl: 
Love the arrogance of that comment. Just because they don't like it like that no-one else should. Lol.

I love ghosts and other hot peppers, eating 1 or more a day certainly hasn't burnt a hole in my throat, only my wallet.

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