• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GhostPepperStore's *Not* Growlog 2013

So even though it is way too late in the year to start a growlog, I feel like it is necessary in order to not muck up other sections of the forums with random pictures. So really, this is just going to be my shameless promotion picture thread.
I am going to start from the beginning of the season with some pictures and try to do a quick catch up.
Feb 2 - part of the main crop and all of the test crops

Feb2-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Mar 17 - six weeks later, Chinenses are SO SLOW!

Mar17-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Apr 16 - starting to pick up the pace, it was still really cold in the Midwest.

Apr16-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Apr16 - some of the test plants, just podding up for the first time. Those tomato plants are about 12ft tall now.

Apr16-2013(2) by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
May 3 - what a difference a couple of warm weeks make.

may3 2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
May 6 - first set of plants hit the ground, little do they know, it ends up being cold and wet for 3 more weeks.

May62013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
June 14 - It took a month, but they hit their growth spurt and really start growing.

June14-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
June 27 - Same row as above, lots of pods already.

June27-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
June 27 - Same row, different angle

Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
More pics after dinner and a bump.
Glad you finally started a glog. 
So, Feb in St. Louis, and you had the plants outdoors the whole time? That is one hell of a greenhouse, or one hell of a heating bill. I'm surprised you didn't keep them in the basement until it got a little warmer, but you obviously know more than I do because they look great .
Ok, just enjoyed some nice boneless wings covered in Kevin's (Wayright) cherry smoked supers powder. If you haven't tried his powders yet, make sure to pick some up this year. I am down to my last few grams of everything but the "Shine". I held on to a couple of ounces of it, by far my favorite powder at the moment.
On to the pod porn! (Some of these are recycled from another thread I had going :shh: )
Butch T X Douglah F4 - First one off the plant, seeds weren't viable, I am eagerly awaiting another round pods so I can get the F5 going.

TSBT x Douglah F4 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Chaguana - Really surprised these have all come out yellow. Should have about 50 more pods coming in the next week.

7 pot Chaguana by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Infinity - Scary scary scary on the inside! Really impressed how prolific these plants are, lots of these pods on the plants right now.

infinity 7 pot interior by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Jonah - Goes surprisingly well with shots of Patron Silver.

7 pot Jonah by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Brain Strain - you know it, you love it, wicked looking pod. Reds are just starting to come on too!

Yellow Brain Strain by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow - honestly the hottest pod I have tasted this year, took me by surprise because in my experience, yellow pods have always been a bit tamer than their red counterparts.

TS yellow by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
TS Yellow - Lots of pod variation so far, no two pods have looked the same. They are big and fat though, so they make daddy proud!

TS Yellow by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Savannah - This one was blazing hot, and a creeper.

7 Pot Savannah by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Fatalii - Bacon wrapped fatalii poppers FTW! I have already converted several people into chiliheads with this pepper alone.

Red Fatalii by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
One of the first boxes of pods to go out this season. Reminds me I need to get individual pics of the barrackpores and douglahs.

Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Jeff H said:
Glad you finally started a glog. 
So, Feb in St. Louis, and you had the plants outdoors the whole time? That is one hell of a greenhouse, or one hell of a heating bill. I'm surprised you didn't keep them in the basement until it got a little warmer, but you obviously know more than I do because they look great .
My heating bill for the greenhouse is only about $20 a month in the winter, the grow lights cost about another $10 a month. Its not bad really. And yes, they stayed in the greenhouse from seed (Jan 15th-ish) until plant out.
Can a guy get another bump? I have more pics from today.
Ok, last few pics for today. I can't wait until my pods get the professional photo treatment from Chris (JoynersHotPeppers)! They are going to look fantastic when he gets done with them.
Red Bhut Jolokia (BootsieB) - These came from BootsieB, if I remember correctly they were bhuts from Sri Lanka? Maybe he will pop in and clarify. Much shorter than the bhuts I have been growing for the last 4 years and a more pronounced point. Can't wait to taste them.

red bhut (bootsieb) by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Infinity - this little plant is pretty pod-dense for only being a foot tall.

infinity by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Fataliis - prettiest pepper plants in the entire garden. Hard to see any pods in this shot, but the plants are getting loaded.

fataliis by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
That is all for now. Hopefully I will have pics of the some of the stragglers soon. Thanks for stopping by!
theghostpepperstore said:
Ok, last few pics for today. I can't wait until my pods get the professional photo treatment from Chris (JoynersHotPeppers)! They are going to look fantastic when he gets done with them.
Man.........i sure wish i had thought of that first..................... LOL :D Your right, Chris sure does some amazing work! :)
Hey, a one page glog!
I'm okay with that!
Great grow going there, for sure!
Looking forward to a second page!
Took a few more photos this morning during my walk-through.
Test crop - a bunch of different stuff I left in pots so I can isolate them for seed, if I like what I see out of them. Brains, Barrackpores, TS yellow, 7 Burgundy, Primos, Morugas, Peach bhuts, Fataliis, Chaguanas, 7 Brown, TSBT X Douglah (F4), also some overwintered TSBT and Douglahs are in there somewhere.

test crop jun28-2013 by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
My Growdown competion Prik Ke Nu

jun27-2013 pkn by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
A red brain strain that will get eaten this weekend

red brain strain by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE fataliis?

fatalii by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
My donne sali - this darned plant is almost a year old, finally got it to set some pods. What a PITA! Funny, I don't remember seeing the crabgrass in there when I took the picture. No rest for the wicked it seems.

donne sali by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
I have been trying to get a bunch of Pubes and wilds started for the last two months, going to try and get them started this weekend. I figure they will do really well in the greenhouse during the winter, which is why I plan to start them now.
BakersPeppers said:
Man.........i sure wish i had thought of that first..................... LOL :D Your right, Chris sure does some amazing work! :)
theghostpepperstore said:
Ok, last few pics for today. I can't wait until my pods get the professional photo treatment from Chris (JoynersHotPeppers)! They are going to look fantastic when he gets done with them.
Thanks for the kind words you two! Us pepper folks are one big happy family and I hope we all are successful so anything I can do to assist others is fine by me. 
I did my walkthrough this morning and couldn't believe the number of flowers on some of the bhuts in the ground. As long as the temps stay where they have been, its going to be a banner year!
Here is a pic of my isolated red bhuts in the greenhouse. They are making the gnarliest bhuts I have ever seen, it is a bit of a shame that they are all designated for seed stock, I would love to send some out. Hopefully the traits continue on to the next generation.

Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
At least some of the Primos are turning out to be the right phenotype. This is the first round from the plants, so I won't pass judgement on them for a while.

primo by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Red Brain Strain, I was going eat this one, but I decided to give away a box of peppers today, and this one will be in it.

Brain Strain red by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Box of peppers that will go to the winner of a "yet to be determined" contest in "Forum Ads".

Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr