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Giant pods?

Anyone notice their pods being larger than normal this season? The North Atlantic has been cold and wet all year,wonder if all the rain has something to do with this. Even the pods that are known to be smaller are larger than normal.



Damn rain,here I thought maybe I was doing something right!!! Glad everyone is having good results. We have had about 8 days of sun this season and 3 of them have been this week.
Heh - I've pretty much had the opposite result. I picked a bunch of tiny douglahs yesterday, along with a few that were normal-sized. I believe the little ones were from the times I didn't get the pots out of the rain fast enough. Several plants are rather yellow, so you know I've missed moving them a number of times. And I think you may have had more days of sun than we have here, never mind we're only about a 2-hour's drive apart. Le sigh.......
Granted, I'm grateful we're having rain while others are having wildfires. But yeah, wish we could share the wealth, as it were.
Only 1 spicy mustard hab of mine came out palm sized.
Was hoping it was a mutie---but no others as of yet.
Just starting to cool down enough to get the flowers going, so will be a month or so till I know for sure.

Here's part of a care package that I received from John (P-Son). There's some nice hefty size pods here..........ruined my digestive system for half a day..........lol
Thanks J