Giant Whitefly

I have never seen "giant whitefly" nest on my plants before today. I took a photo of the leaf that was infested, and then destroyed them all hoping it was a fluke infestation and not the flavor of the season around here.
They look crazy as hell, just though I'd share. Sorry for the monster photo but at least you can see 'em in there.
Those do look rather large. Unfortunately I've seen them here in sFL. Key is to act fast at very first sign and be very diligent/ observant... Good job spotting them and eradicating them...
Must be dozens of white fly species, all very bad for pepper plants.
Might want to check with a lupe or mag glass all your plants for the white fly nymphs that those big white fly leave behind. Hard to see those little buggers as they're not white, more transparent, and they suck the life out of our plants injecting toxic saliva.
This pic shows the white fly nymphs getting sucked up by a Pirate Bug. The tiny little round buggers in the background might be mites or aphids, can't tell at the low magnification, probably aphids. From my experience when you got white fly you probably got a host of other pest that hitched a ride in..
Picture is courtesy of University of FL, the renowned expert on white fly,  go figure...