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Gibberellic Acid and its effects.

Well I have been experimenting with Gibberellic Acid (GA3) growth hormone and in some instances it works great but it really has to be used in moderation and contrary to popular belief, it takes a couple months for the changes to be noticeable. I haven't tested its ability to increase seed germination but that will be at a later date.


This is a ghost scorpion in dwc that I applied too much of the growth hormone to. I call it medusa now... It grows without logic and the GA3 caused it to split at every node that the hormone touched. I also realized that the splits were not as structurally strong as normal growth and that growth was so rapid that the branches would strengthen enough to support the weight and would exhibit lots of twisting and bending.

This is node split

Branch twist

Central plant structure.

It has been fun experimenting but as you can see, that plant is ruined and at the end of the season, I can't think of any ways to save it or to cut out any worth while overwinter from it.. The genetic code seems almost to have been jumbled. Will be interesting to see if effects can be seen in fruit when it does finally set pods.


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Cool experiment! If the plant is healthy you should be able to cut it back enough to recover it for overwintering. Just stop using the hormone for a while and let it work its way out ouf the plant's system. I don't know about set pods, but the plants DNA doesn't change.
Wayright is looking for the percentages you sprayed......
I have seen extreme stretch but never crazy splits using GA3
I'm not sure what you think is wrong? It never flowered??? Can't tell in the last pic. 
The plant may have been too young when you started applications. Made that mistake myself. I think a high ppm would have done the opposite,would freeze it in time.
If that is a Jay's Ghost Scorpion,the crazy branching is normal. I have the red and peach growing and I've never seen a chile plant branch like them before.
I will check on the concentration tomorrow. And I have a bonda ma jaque I sprayed on also which produced crazy splits. My dirt grow which has a ghost scorpion is growing pretty normal. If crazy growth is normal for a jay's ghost scorpion then maybe the GA3 did nothing. Joyner's has grown them in the past and has a lot of experience with that variety so hopefully he can chime in.