I'd go with seeds,Fish Ferts as suggested above(can't go wrong,ALASKA not the urea one by Liquinox),Add to the Fish the PURE Seaweed Extract.
GREAT combo in general.
Person probably already has sauces etc. that they like.
If the person grows Hydro or indoors,new toys might be cool-Bulbs or whatever.
Probably already has PH etc. stuff.
Might need a guage if they use test strips for canning.
Maybe Shrink strips,bottles and caps might be cool too.
I'd go with seeds (gift thing from Judy, Rainbow seeds or wherever).
SEEDS are a no miss in general...
Seeds gift trip would rock my boat for sure.
Gift thing,let them choose the seeds...They CAN get something they REALLY wanted but wouldn't pay the price for out of their pocket.
A gift is free $,so they WILL buy stuff the thought was too expensive to buy with their $.
BUT it is something they REALLY wanted.
IF the secret Santa leads to you,you will be their go to person forever in all things pepper.