• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


Just got my ginger in the ground. I'm hoping it grows well. I've been babying it for 2 months indoors and the roots/rhizomes grew out nicely. Another ginger grower in zone 5 (I think) has had his out for weeks now, so I should be good. 
Anyone else grow ginger in zone 6 or elsewhere? Is it easy to save some of the crop for next year's seed?
Ive tried several times to grow ginger with no luck, goes bad. Have tried again and planted a few weeks ago, I saw the first shoot about 2" yesterday, have it in a pot on my porch.
Good Luck with yours :)
ako1974 said:
Just got my ginger in the ground. I'm hoping it grows well. I've been babying it for 2 months indoors and the roots/rhizomes grew out nicely. Another ginger grower in zone 5 (I think) has had his out for weeks now, so I should be good. 
Wow!  How cool would that be to be able to step outside the kitchen and grab a fresh piece of ginger!  Just this past weekend I was going to do a stir fry with some pork loin, but didn't have any ginger and didn't feel like stopping everything to run to the store. 
I have a couple shoots and leaves coming up, but I have it covered in straw and some plastic mesh at the moment to prevent birds and squirrels from digging. I need to remove it and see what kind of growth I'm getting.
Checked yesterday. Only a couple stems are up. I'm guessing it's ok. I may need to keep on top of watering a bit more. We've had a couple days of rain/cooler weather followed by hot and dry. 
No pics, but now my ginger is really starting to take off. About 15 plants are up. They look healthy, but a bit yellow. I don't *think* it's too much moisture, but I should check that. Unsure if there could be missing nutes. I composted the bed...
I just transplanted some into a raised bed.  Long story short...  I left home for almost a year to work a job on the other side of the country.  When I got home it was the only plant in my containers that were still alive.  This fella looked pretty rough, but it did make the transplant well, and is starting to rebound.  And you can't believe how that root will multiply.  There is probably 5lbs of root on this one.  Tumeric is even more prolific.  A couple years back, I had some turmeric planted in a 27 gallon tote, and it produced over 10lbs (!!!) of root!  :eek:
dragonsfire said:
Dont have it too wet or make sure soil is very loose, will rot if wet.
If your ginger is rotting in wet ground, your soil is way compacted.
This stuff thrives in the tropics, in places where the undergrowth is constantly applying layers of mulch, and being doused by monsoons.  In Hawaii, the stuff grows wild, like nobody's business.  I don't think that the soil ever gets dry there...
Cool. I found ginger to grow like a weed once it got put out in the sun. I'm in zone 5b/6a, depending upon which map you use. 
My tallest ones are about 3 feet now I think. Do they flower before harvest, or is that only in year-round growing zones? I plan to harvest some time before first frost, which by me is set at about Nov 1.  
Starting to pull up ginger for fresh use. In the next few weeks, I'll start pulling it up for storage. I plan to grate a bunch - small dollops - then freeze for the winter. The ginger turned out really nicely. I've had a cold so I haven't been able to get the full flavor of it.
Officially pulled it all now. Grew very well and will start freezing some and I've given away a bunch. I love ginger, so I'll have plenty of uses for it over the winter.