misc Giving Samples

Any of you who sell your sauce to retail, distributors, etc. What do you do as far as sampling is concerned for new or possibly new clients? Do you leave a whole new bottle? Smaller size? Taste test?

I have left regular bottles with some, but that seems like it is going to get expensive. I have also looked for smaller bottles, but by the time you add everything up to get them, they are just as much as the retail size bottle.

Any thoughts???:?:
Yeah, make them test it in front of you, that way you know you are going to get a honest opinion. Plus the cost of giving bottles away all the time would get VERY expensive i would imagine.
Yeah, go to the shop (if possible) and give them a sample right out of the bottle. If they are not local then you have to do some research to see how much product they handle and if it is worth it for you to send them a bottle. I may have a possible store for you. PM sent.
It's fine to have them taste it in front of you, but if you are trying to get into stores nowhere near your state, it can be a bit difficult. We send samples out all the time (8 ouncers), and have a very good track record of them getting back to us and giving us an order for more. It's kind of the cost of doing business, and can be a write-off for tax purposes. Perhaps we are in a bit of a different niche, because if we send 1 or 2 ounce samples, they won't be able to taste test it on very many wings at all.
Do you think I could get a sample of Defcon 1 Creator? I've heard it's pretty good and I've been wanting to try it. :lol: I don't need much, maybe a gallon or two.
My thoughts on the original question...

If you were the retailer/distributor - would you feel safe doing business with a manufacturer who can't afford to leave a consumer-sized bottle of sauce as a sample?

Just my 2 cents.
MrArboc said:
My thoughts on the original question...

If you were the retailer/distributor - would you feel safe doing business with a manufacturer who can't afford to leave a consumer-sized bottle of sauce as a sample?

Just my 2 cents.

Yes. Most start-ups don't have the capital yet to do free sampling on a mass distribution scale.
MrArboc said:
My thoughts on the original question...

If you were the retailer/distributor - would you feel safe doing business with a manufacturer who can't afford to leave a consumer-sized bottle of sauce as a sample?

Just my 2 cents.

My thoughts exactly. THat is the reason I was asking the question. I have mini bottles, but why give a retailer a chance at dismissing you over size.

Hell, it almost seems like dating! Does size REALLY matter that much?!
Sickmont said:
Gallon jugs are available for purchase, Jay.

I know SM, I was only kidding. I am a nearly daily user of Defcon sauces. In fact I believe my hot sauces guy is putting in an order for me for a gallon this week.