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Glossary index definition

Hello my chili friends! :) I'm sure it's in here somewhere (did'nt see it)or has been thought of before, but I was thinking it would be a great idea to have a pepper glossary index of definitions, ie. Vermiculite: Soilless growing media: exfoliated vermiculite is combined with other materials such as peat or composted pine bark compost to produce soilless growing media for the professional horticulturalist and for the home gardener. These mixes promote faster root growth and gives quick anchorage to young roots. The mixture helps retain air, plant food and moisture, releasing them as the plant requires them. These mixes were pioneered by Boodley and Sheldrake
Seed germination: either used alone or mixed with soil or peat, vermiculite is used to germinate seeds. Very little watering is required. When vermiculite is used alone, seedlings should be fed with a weak fertilizer solution when the first true leaves appear. Basicaly Pepper terms, the definition of what it is, and how it's used. Let me know what you guys think. I especially like this idea because I'm a beginner lol :woohoo: Thanks guys
Hello my chili friends! :) I'm sure it's in here somewhere (did'nt see it)or has been thought of before, but I was thinking it would be a great idea to have a pepper glossary index of definitions, ie. Vermiculite: Soilless growing media: exfoliated vermiculite is combined with other materials such as peat or composted pine bark compost to produce soilless growing media for the professional horticulturalist and for the home gardener. These mixes promote faster root growth and gives quick anchorage to young roots. The mixture helps retain air, plant food and moisture, releasing them as the plant requires them. These mixes were pioneered by Boodley and Sheldrake
Seed germination: either used alone or mixed with soil or peat, vermiculite is used to germinate seeds. Very little watering is required. When vermiculite is used alone, seedlings should be fed with a weak fertilizer solution when the first true leaves appear. Basicaly Pepper terms, the definition of what it is, and how it's used. Let me know what you guys think. I especially like this idea because I'm a beginner lol :woohoo: Thanks guys

excellent idea
Awesome idea!! I'm not sure how you were thinking about doing it, but I had an idea. Us newbs can just post terms that we don't know, and the more experienced here can help us out. Once we get a few, some one (I can help) can just keep a running document with all the terms organized by topic/alphabetical/whatever. Once we get afew we can make a sticky for it.

Just thinking out loud...
Awesome idea!! I'm not sure how you were thinking about doing it, but I had an idea. Us newbs can just post terms that we don't know, and the more experienced here can help us out. Once we get a few, some one (I can help) can just keep a running document with all the terms organized by topic/alphabetical/whatever. Once we get afew we can make a sticky for it.

Just thinking out loud...

I was kind of thinking that whoever is very educated with terms defs and uses can make a list. People could always add and edit the list if desired.

Awesome idea!! I'm not sure how you were thinking about doing it, but I had an idea. Us newbs can just post terms that we don't know, and the more experienced here can help us out. Once we get a few, some one (I can help) can just keep a running document with all the terms organized by topic/alphabetical/whatever. Once we get afew we can make a sticky for it.

Just thinking out loud...

Your idea is very good too! I would prefer a full glossary index if a pepper expert here is up to the task lol :)
This way though we don't heap all of the work on to one person. That's all I was thinkin'!
We basically need a pepper wiki, ha. There are pepper databases out there, certainly, but it would be nice to have something to which personal notes could be added and flag things needing improvement/clarification.

... but I digress, just thinking aloud.


If computers didn't hate me it sounds like it might be a fun summer project.
This way though we don't heap all of the work on to one person. That's all I was thinkin'!

Ya, I agree to much work for one person. I was thinking admin/moderator could start it off, as I have no idea how to do that, then people could add and edit terms as they feel.

We basically need a pepper wiki, ha. There are pepper databases out there, certainly, but it would be nice to have something to which personal notes could be added and flag things needing improvement/clarification.

... but I digress, just thinking aloud.


If computers didn't hate me it sounds like it might be a fun summer project.
Yes, I agree with you! After all this is a huge pepper forum! As previously stated, I think it would be nice for those especially that are new to gardening/pepper growing. I have never grown a plant before in my life! or even taken care of a plant infact! Sad isnt it! :( I guess interests change as people age lol. Sry for the drawn out response.
there is more pepper knowledge on this forum among your fellow members than you will find any other place in the world, internet or not.....maybe not the Phds out there but a bunch of people that just know peppers....just sayin'
there is more pepper knowledge on this forum among your fellow members than you will find any other place in the world, internet or not.....maybe not the Phds out there but a bunch of people that just know peppers....just sayin'
Well said, Im sure you're right! :)