food GM's Fall M+1 Challenge

I've been wanting to do another contest where folks can vote for multiple entries, and I want it to be as inclusive as possible ...
Tonight, it came to me ... you can use a microwave and no more than one fueled/otherwise-powered cooking device to cook the meal ...
Entries should include photos that substantiate adherence!
I'll figure out prize shit in the coming days ... and, if you are interesting in providing a prize of any size/scope, PM me ...
I'll figure out if we can work w/ International entries ASAP ;) ...
It's going to have a long entry window, so that lots of people can participate - so don't worry about that =)

* You do not have to use a microwave, but people who use them in exciting ways will definitely be doing so in the spirit of the competition!
I use the shit out of the microwave, and nothing I eat tastes microwaved!
I hadn't even thought of that, lol ...
It's a twist on a single-pot challenge, in terms of what was going on in my head when I thought of it ...
I had been trying to figure out how to do a set of indoor vs outdoor dutch-oven contests in a different format, but I couldn't figure out the logistics of it in terms of the awards - and I really want to do the style where you can vote for multiple entries ...

Also, I can enter ... which sounds fun ...
I might even try to cook my entire meal with only the microwave and a Searzall ;)
cypresshill1973 said:
Microwave flavored... I want to see this.

I hate food cooked on mw haha. Im never eat it.
You don't have to use a microwave, it's just the only device allowed in addition to the single-device to cook the entire meal, is all ...
I've got some stuff pulled out for a box ...
tctenten's graciously offered to throw in an LDHS prize ...
I'm just wrapping up some loose ends with work and waiting for some product to arrive, and then it's on ...
Did I mention that I just unpacked 4x bottles of Smoke Canyon? ;)
texas blues said:
A dang shame really.
Not even a microwaved hotdog pic posted.
WTF is this sheeit?
If'n I was Jay, I'd be pissed!
Nothing will start until I post the prize box and some dates/times ...
I'll do that after I brew tomorrow ...
PS - I was just re-reading old posts where you were brewing last night, man! ...
I'm not much on these comps but why not.  I mostly microwave my rice.  It is much easier than steaming and less clean up.
The rule is 1 cup rice and 2 cups water.  Micro for 5 to 7 min full power until boil.  Then 10 to 15 min 50% power.  I have done rice this way for over 20 years.  I have a rice steamer and have done it in a wok with oil.  This is my take on chinese stir fry rice. 

Meanwhile I beating the eggs up.  They wok it.  I add frozen peas and carrots from the garden.

Then I add the micro rice and soy.  Give it a good stir.

Next is some vermicelli and a 1/4 cup of water.

Cover and let the vermicelli steam for a couple minutes.

Here's were the drunk falls in.  The chicken is marinating in fish sauce, soy sauce, herbs and spices.
The sauce is similar but with corn starch and rice wine....

Did I mention the rice was put in another bowl.  The wok is rinsed and ready with oil. 

Crap was that supposed to go there.
Oh yeah hoisen

Chicken was store bought. I have peppers, Aji Limon, garlic, onions, celery and dehydrated black cherry toms....from the garden

These are dehydrated black cherry tomatoes.  I can not show you the flavor they brought.

That was messed up.  You shouldn't of even posted this Jim...ya I know.