going good so far

I know I sometimes take a joke too far i get that alot :lol:
maybe its because ive had dogs all my life that makes me not a cat person but I really would never harm one and yes kittens are too dang cute my niece got 1 last yr cutest dang kitten i held it played with it now when i go visit dang thing hisses at me and hides (ungrateful cat ):lol:
I like cats until they poop all over my yard, spray all over my wood pile and carry fleas into my garden. Cats have their place and I just don't think that is in my yard. Dogs that are let loose to run and poop everywhere get the dog catcher called on them. It's just not fair is all.
GrumpyBear said:
you should make a bolivian rainbow/inca berry hybrid!
Yeah I had thought about crossing it with something but I wasn't sure what or how well it would work. Inca berry goes through a few colours. Like you say a real Rainbowberry chilli :P
No I haven't Potawie, I've just looked it up as I'd never heard of it, it looks quite similar to Aurora, both have the nice purple flowers too.
mudatvs said:
I like cats until they poop all over my yard, spray all over my wood pile and carry fleas into my garden. Cats have their place and I just don't think that is in my yard. Dogs that are let loose to run and poop everywhere get the dog catcher called on them. It's just not fair is all.

The cat is just doing what nature tells a cat to do. If there is a problem, the correct place to focus your ire in on the owner. If it is spraying, it's unneutered, and the owner should be dragged into the street and summarily flogged.

That, btw, also goes for anyone who keeps an unneutered dog as well.
Rainbowberry, have you grown the chinese 5 color. Its a real rainbow of colors(colours)
That one truely is ornimental. I grew it last year and they have no taste at all. Completely dissappointing.

Now the Rainbow Pepper taste pritty good.