As a lot of you know Ann at Texas Creek recently started selling a form of Pure Evil that rates at 9.6 million scoville units. About a month and a half ago she sent me sort of a test batch.The scoville units are a couple million lower. Besides from what I understand after 6 million, the perception of heat is negligible.
The bottle is very tiny and comes in a medicine container. I am not certain if my bottle was 1/4 oz or 1/8 oz. The color is pure gold and very beautiful. I waited until Friday, December 13 to sample which was the plan all along. So I got out a small white spoon which was maybe 1/8 of a teaspoon. I had intended on only doing 3 drops, but I had difficulty getting the drops out. I must have then squeezed too hard and then a large portion of the contents in the dropper was released, maybe 6-8 drops. O oh!!! My spoon was about 1/3 full but I decided "just do it." So I did. Here are the results:
First of all the aroma is much like vodka but oddly enough not the taste. There really is not much of a flavor to Pure Evil at all. The burn, however is super intense especially on the roof of the mouth, much more so than any pod I have ever eaten. It lasts a very long time too. Now after the burn is when things got interesting; Golden Pure Evil gave me the biggest endorphin rush I have ever experienced in my life. My entire head was tingling so much it was as if there was an enormous electric current going through it. Plus my hands were practically paralyzed for a short time, difficult to move and I was on the verge of a panic attack. It was the most bizarre sensation I ever felt. But that too went away. I must confess I had a lot of milk and ice cream throughout the whole thing, but I wanted to be safe. Fortunately unlike with Satans Blood I had no cramps afterward. But that high was something unforgettable. Next time I may try Pure Evil on some desserts. Oh, one more thing. when handling Golden Pure Evil, please wear gloves. I didn't and after an hour my hands felt like they were full of wasps and that was just from stains. The stinging continued until the next day.
So all 3 "heat additives" I have tried in my life gave a different sensation. Da Bomb The Final Answer gave extreme ear pain and weakness of the entire body, Satans Blood gave severe stomach cramps, and the Golden Pure Evil gave pretty much an out of body experience. Out of the 3, Pure Evil is definitely my favorite. Ann made a wonderful product here.
Verdict: Heat 12, flavor N/A, 10/10 overall product
The bottle is very tiny and comes in a medicine container. I am not certain if my bottle was 1/4 oz or 1/8 oz. The color is pure gold and very beautiful. I waited until Friday, December 13 to sample which was the plan all along. So I got out a small white spoon which was maybe 1/8 of a teaspoon. I had intended on only doing 3 drops, but I had difficulty getting the drops out. I must have then squeezed too hard and then a large portion of the contents in the dropper was released, maybe 6-8 drops. O oh!!! My spoon was about 1/3 full but I decided "just do it." So I did. Here are the results:
First of all the aroma is much like vodka but oddly enough not the taste. There really is not much of a flavor to Pure Evil at all. The burn, however is super intense especially on the roof of the mouth, much more so than any pod I have ever eaten. It lasts a very long time too. Now after the burn is when things got interesting; Golden Pure Evil gave me the biggest endorphin rush I have ever experienced in my life. My entire head was tingling so much it was as if there was an enormous electric current going through it. Plus my hands were practically paralyzed for a short time, difficult to move and I was on the verge of a panic attack. It was the most bizarre sensation I ever felt. But that too went away. I must confess I had a lot of milk and ice cream throughout the whole thing, but I wanted to be safe. Fortunately unlike with Satans Blood I had no cramps afterward. But that high was something unforgettable. Next time I may try Pure Evil on some desserts. Oh, one more thing. when handling Golden Pure Evil, please wear gloves. I didn't and after an hour my hands felt like they were full of wasps and that was just from stains. The stinging continued until the next day.
So all 3 "heat additives" I have tried in my life gave a different sensation. Da Bomb The Final Answer gave extreme ear pain and weakness of the entire body, Satans Blood gave severe stomach cramps, and the Golden Pure Evil gave pretty much an out of body experience. Out of the 3, Pure Evil is definitely my favorite. Ann made a wonderful product here.
Verdict: Heat 12, flavor N/A, 10/10 overall product