• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Good Luck for all of the North East Growers!

Last Year was the worst in history for my garden, due to the fact that it rained in the end of May, and all of June. None of my Chile's produced any fruit. The only peppers that produced anything were some bland tasting Babana Peppers and a Chocolate Belle.

This year, I wasn't very lucky with sprouting. I have a very healthy looking "Chile De Negro." I'm not sure exacly what the species is. This was an ebay purchase. The seller stated that the peppers were round and black, and came from a very tall plant. The seeds were HUGE. I also have a Big Jim that took forever to sprout. It took 29 days to peek out of the soil. I am just seeing the baby leaves after another week. I purchased a Bhut Jolokia as well. When it comes time to plant at the end of May, I'll but at least 5 or 6 more plants. I'm trying to be scientific about it. I ordered some Soil Kits to have the soil analyzed for a fertilizer recommended.

I jsut wanted to say hi and introduce myself, and to wish all of the growers luck!
Up here above the 49th last year just seemed to be a continuation of punishment from the previous year (cold and wet).

We're due my friend, if this year sucks again I'm moving!!!
Welcome to the forum. Last year definitely stunk. I remember several days in June where it actually felt cold. I have never experienced that before.
Yes after 2 lousy summers, we're due for some nice weather. The south can have the snow and rain this year;)
I live in the northeast (RI), and last summer was awful. I still havent had any sprouts yet but its been 12 days since I planted. I hope they hurry up! im getting really impatient lol