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good news!!!

hello all
i know i know no pics i didn't happen right!!!? lol :lol:
most of you are aware of my pic posting situation and care enough not to ride my butt about it, i do so appreciate that

but i went out to my garden just a little while ago and pulled up the leaves on my peach bhuts and got a surprise!!

i have one that is almost fully peach and there are a few more coming in, im going to take pics but its very wet outside at this writing because it just rained, i will wait a day or two more and then take a few pics so that i can get some good shots of better colored out pods to really dazzle you all, i will ask one of you fine gents to post them for me,i know many of you are interested in these and just wanted to give you a heads up
it will be a few weeks yet till these seeds will be ready because of harvest and drying time, i will post when they are ready, im really excited about getting these into peoples hands because i would like to see this bhut variation be a little easier to get

thanks so much your friend Joe

"please let all know that im asking for patients from everyone as i know many are awaiting these,im will not do any reserved orders as its too much of a pain to try and remember everyone, i promise that as soon as there ready i will post them, i did not want to tease but for all who wanted to see these please enjoy, they are quite a sight to see and im happy that there good!!

these are from my garden, i also will be getting a large amount from a friend , these plants are very prolific so there are going to be plenty to go around, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask

thanks your friend Ajijoe"
Groovy lookin'.
You are aware, Joe, that even though it is the marketplace, you have not posted anything for sale/trade?

Let us not make this another random post. when you do sell/trade your peach Bhuts, do it here.
If this is just a pepper talk kinda thing, will move to the proper place. let me know.

Interesting... the peppers in the picture Justaguy posted look somewhat similar to mine in color and with their long shape, but they look quite bumpy and pointy. Mine are smooth and rounded. The ones pictured have an almost Bhut-like shape to them IMO. They definitely look good!

Edit: Whoa, wait a second. I for some reason read that as "peach habs," but you did in fact say "peach bhuts," so... wow, talk about a misreading. That's awesome though.
Interesting... the peppers in the picture Justaguy posted look somewhat similar to mine in color and with their long shape, but they look quite bumpy and pointy. Mine are smooth and rounded. The ones pictured have an almost Bhut-like shape to them IMO. They definitely look good!

Edit: Whoa, wait a second. I for some reason read that as "peach habs," but you did in fact say "peach bhuts," so... wow, talk about a misreading. That's awesome though.
thank you

yes they are crazy looking arent they

but they are in fact bhuts, i sliced a few today and he smell is wonderful, im not too much of a Bhut man i love habs and aji's but im going to taste these and let everyone know

thanks your friend JOe
any idea yet as to when you might have seed available? Or maybe even just a couple fresh pods?

They look truly amazing. congratulations
any idea yet as to when you might have seed available? Or maybe even just a couple fresh pods?

They look truly amazing. congratulations
thanks there beautiful!!
i just cut some today the seeds take about two weeks to properly (air dry) i only air dry my seeds that's the key to my germination success if they seem ready before hand i will let everyone know
i will not have fresh pod available unless i can get my hands on a large amount or them

please dont worry i will post and i will try to let everyone have have a crack at the "SECOND HELPING"so to speak and then maybe more
thanks for asking your friend Joe