Good Starting Time For Australia?

I'm with Hotrod, I prefer to start mid to late June.

I started early July this season, various issues have put me back about four weeks. Remember to keep troublesome germination and other factors in mind when considering a start date.

You can always put off plantout until the weather warms up enough, but you can never buy back time.

Powelly said:
if you're in a frost free zone then you can start them at any time hombre
True, they just might be slow over the cooler months. I started a few last year in autumn and they sprouted, grew past the seedling stage to juvenile plants and then did NOTHING for months until Spring.
The plus side is it gives you a bit of a head start  for when the weather warms up again and given the right varieties (pubes) I'd assume you'd see continued growth and fruiting year round too.
EDIT: Should mention that these were outside the whole time. Germinated in one of those el cheapo shelf/greenhouse things from bunnings (keep an eye on these if you use one, they get very hot with a small amount of sun)
Yeah I started some cayennes and bolivian rainbows a month or two ago
Just figured no time is like the present and it won't get cold enough for them to die. Just means that they won't grow during winter but don't have a problem with that 
I didn't get to start till late august this season. Travelling, moving house, etc.. I would generally aim for june/July.

Definitely not as big as they would've been had I've started them earlier, but I'll get a fair whack of pods nonetheless.

Plenty for overwintering in pots though!
I live near Perth and started my seeds in September/October and got fruit by January. I don't have anywhere to put my plants under lights (nor would I waste that kind of electricity given the prices). I do overwinter plants outside and got fruit on those starting December.