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pests Got Aphids?

I have (had?) red aphids on my overwintered plants. A lot of people say to use neem oil, but from my experience the neem oil does not phase them, at least the kind I have/had. I would soak them on a daily basis in neem oil spray and it never seemed to do anything. A couple applications of pyrethrins and they're pretty much wiped out though.
i fought with aphids for about 3 months on my hyro pepper plant spent a ton of money on sprays tried homemade sprays finally built a box order ladybugs in 2 week it free of aphids spent $6 on ladybugs hindsight is always 20/20 well enough of my ranting thanx for the read
I haven't really ever had aphid problems, but I do most of my germinating indoors as is (Zone 7, want to sprout the seeds over winter to maximize production during warm season). I do have a ton of gnats from the bag of potting soil I use though, even covered up in the winter, virtually sealed, I find white larvae on the surface of the dirt whenever I go get a pile to work on my plants. The insecticidal soap spray I got at lowes did next to nothing on them, but I did have an interesting discovery on my 2 year old chocolate habanero tree in my office. I was finding a few gnats in it, and since we have a coffee maker in the office next to the plant, I put a day or two worth of the old grinds on the surface of the dirt, and that was a year or so ago now. Aside from that, in the morning I usually keep the soil moist with leftover coffee from the day before, and not only does the plant love it, I haven't seen a gnat in that flower pot since. Could always try that, at least for potted plants and see if that works on aphids as well. If not, at least your peppers might enjoy the extra acidity, mine hasn't shown signs of deterioration yet, and it's a good 4-5' tall now, lol.

Remember if you've treated the plant w/ chems first ...you might kill the lady bugs......
(Spare s.... :halo: )

I actually saw on deals.woot.com one day that some website was selling a few thousand ladybugs in a bundle, ready to ship. Another thing to look into if you have a decent sized backyard, and if they get into the house, who cares? It'll be the cutest infestation ever, lol.
glad to share the link! yea so far neem is not working for me at all! i was at least able to isolate the problem down to 4 plants i hope (1 orange hab, 1 bhut, and 2 red caribbean habs)...thinking about taking the lady bug approach, will put the plants in a empty fish tank i have with screen lid and let the ladybugs have all you can eat aphid buffet!
Bonide Fruit and Nut Orchard Spray......I tried insecticidal soap, I combined it with a tea (made from Peppers and Garlic) and was pretty fed up with the results. I hadn't tried Neem, but wasn't impressed by what other members were reporting. I Thought however, that I had a handle on them and had to leave town for a week. I had a family member taking care of seedlings while I was gone and came home to Aphid Armegedon!

Highly disappointed, I found a post by a member talking about how great this product was. Found it on Amazon and after ONE spraying, Problem solved! I did have to spray each plant individually (got under every leaf) and with well over 100 plants, it took some time, but was well worth it.
I'm with the guy from NY. Here is an article I wrote about 4 years ago that has to do with getting rid of a scale that kills cycads, but can be used for other plants. Since I wrote this article, I have learned a lot more and have used the same idea with growing peppers. Here is the address:
I have 30,000 plants and about 500 species of plants and I haven't had to use anything else besides what I brew in the barrel, shown in the article, as a direct contact spray (which works just fine on peppers). On pepper plants, I performed quite a few separate experiments in the last 2 years and what it comes down to is that if I mix 10% used coffee grounds from Starbucks in my potting soil when potting up a pepper plant, it will be untouched by aphids for the season. I even took some plants that were 3 feet tall and let them get covered with aphids, like probably a few 1000 of them. On the plants that had the coffee already in the soil while the plants were growing, the aphids totally dried up and died over a 4 day period. On the plants that I infested first, and then added and mixed the grounds to the soil, it took about 3 1/2 weeks, and then, all the aphids dried up and died over a 4 day period. Not only is it easy, but it also helps to fertilize the plant and if I cared to, I could get my peppers certified to be organically grown. Also, the coffee doesn't kill the predetor insects hanging out in the area.
I've put used coffee grounds on a plant I brought in to over winter and it did end the gnat problem. Can't say it did anything for the aphids though. Curious.
spectracide's triazicide is a pyrethoid (pyrethin analog) that has been VERY effective in my battles with the red backed aphids
its out of the plant in under a week also, which is very nice
Ive been battling aphids since last summer and throughout the winter. Using neem oil works well. The thing about neem is that it is nontoxic to humans and aphid eating insects. Most people expect it to "work right away" but it takes some time by choking the aphids out or damaging their nervous system as they forget to breed and eat. If they have severly infested the plant, I end up getting fed up with these pests and I get a q-tip dipped in rubbng alcohol and manually remove them, then use neem. A water bottle set on stream works well too, blasting em off the plant. Also buying a small tin of snuff (nasal snuff) and dusting the aphids kills em right away, and you can also enjoy a pinch while your doing the dusting. The snuff I used was Wilsons of Sharrow High Dry Toast, its super fine almost dusty, the 5g tin was $1.49, and it gives a really good enjoyable nicotine kick, and a quick fatal one to the aphids. :whistle:
2 years ago I had an aphid outbreak on my seedlings in my basement. I tried a few different sprays and finally resorted to releasing lady bugs on them. Eventually my husband found out since some escaped in the house. LOL. But I would not have been able to afford to buy that many seedlings had they died. Now I watch super carefully to catch them just as they start and I haven't had them on peppers yet.

Whoa wouldn't the snuff possibly transmit tobacco mosaic virus? I always heard to avoid tobacco around peps and toms.
just ran across someones pic on FB of what i would call a severe aphid infestation
we use ladybugs on our indoor plants. pics as bad as the above. Tried all the sprays, tried all the solutions. Lady bugs are the way to go. Here is a sick but fascinating fact! If your plants are loaded with aphids, you can sit and watch as you release the ladybugs, the aphids will all start to flee en masse. The will travel down the plant and around the edges of the pot, down the sides to the ground. It is disturbing to think that those aphids know exactly what the future holds as soon as they see the ladybugs, and they run for their lives....LOL! Definitly worth a night in the basement with some beer!

2 years ago I had an aphid outbreak on my seedlings in my basement. I tried a few different sprays and finally resorted to releasing lady bugs on them. Eventually my husband found out since some escaped in the house. LOL. But I would not have been able to afford to buy that many seedlings had they died. Now I watch super carefully to catch them just as they start and I haven't had them on peppers yet.

Whoa wouldn't the snuff possibly transmit tobacco mosaic virus? I always heard to avoid tobacco around peps and toms.

Thats what they say, but Ive never had a problem, even when chewing tobacco and growing Tomatoes, peppers and potatoes. I think where it could become a problem is with people who hand roll cigs.