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Got Buds?

One of my Medusa's has decided it is tall enough and it's time to make peppers. It might be eight inches tall if it were to stand on it's tippy toes.

I know how much we all like pics so I brought a few.




Did you see 'em? Think I'll pinch all but one or two and see what happens.:)
They get so many pods on them its unreal. Mine didn't have any heat though so i got rid of it.
I was told that this is a flavorful pepper and I knew it was a dud as far as heat goes but I wanted to try it. We will see.

I plan on pinching most of them. I have to save one or two.:)
I'm thinking these plants know a bit more than us when they are ready to fruit!What if your daddy pinched your bud!LOL!
Thanks Petey--same to you.

scoville I'm thinking you have a very good point. I've got a couple of these Medusa's growing so I think I'll just let this baby run for a bit. What's the worst that can happen? Txclosetgrower can't cook his poppers anymore? I doubt that.:)
Thanks for the advice Carol. I pinched a few of them off yesterday but kept a couple. I just want to see what happens. After all pods are the very reason I planted the seeds!