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Got busted for meth!!!!

imaguitargod said:
Hehe, welcome to Celeveland. I just got questioned by the cops a few days ago because I have long hair and a goatee.....it's sad how there's still that stigma around that if you have long hair you must be some kind of social deviant. :rolleyes:

I don't have that problem. Oh yeah, I live in New Mexico. Long hair is pretty much ok here. It's "artsy". :lol:
Yeah and I'd still like to brush that nice mane of yours as it's nice and silky looking. With a few plaits and ribbons I can make you look fantastic DD, trust me.
I generally keep the rule of never talking to the cops, always pleed the 5th (in most cases). Every single good lawyer will tell you that. So, adding onto AJ's list of things to say to the cops, "Hello officer", "Yes sir", "No sir", "I do not consent to a search of my vehicle as it violates my right to privacy", "I pleed the fitfh amendment" (or) "I am envocing my constitutional right to remain silent" (keep in mind, you don't have to be arrested to remain silent and you DO NOT have to tell the cops anything...that's what lawyers do for you).
rainbowberry said:
Yeah and I'd still like to brush that nice mane of yours as it's nice and silky looking. With a few plaits and ribbons I can make you look fantastic DD, trust me.

...I just had a really funny thought come to mind.....
agree with you totally IGG...on both of your last posts....
Nice link IGG.

Why can't my Law lecturers be that engaging!

Yes, IGG, he clearly ad repeatedly says "DONT TALK TO THE COPS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!"

But he seemed to hint that police will knowingly twist words, or take comments out of context to gain a conviction. Doesnt seem like justice if the enforcers of the law dont respect that power.
Can ya help a bald fella?:mouthonfire:

rainbowberry said:
Yeah and I'd still like to brush that nice mane of yours as it's nice and silky looking. With a few plaits and ribbons I can make you look fantastic DD, trust me.
My friend was in a car accident in a small town near frankfurt, germany. He had some bubbletea samples in his glove box - it's a powder you mix with some fruit/water/etc to make drinks. He was using it in his cafe. Well the cops searched his vehicle while he was in the hospital and came questioning thinking it was illicit drugs. Apparently it was quite scary.

I was in a car that got pulled over and thoroughly searched while the three of us had to stand beside the car with our hands on the hood. Turns out my friend had bought a single joint from a guy just before picking me and another buddy up. The cops were pretty harsh on that one, detained and questioned us for about 5 hours. But then I have friends who have been caught with a ziploc bag full of weed and told to go on their way - not even having their weed confiscated. It's confusing here in bc that way.
theHippySeedCo said:
Cops are Ok, they just doing a job (tht i wouldn't want at all)

there are good and bad everthings, mechanics, Dr's.

Funny, I've never been beaten up by a mechanic or a Doctor...