Congrats. Thats a nice looking pod there. Unfortunately for me, my first year of growing superhots was thwarted by a ravenous deer thats ate the majority of my plants in one night. Four survived but they look "winterized" lol
thanks man and as for that dear I would have shot it hopefully this season goes better for you .
and hey man your profile picit makes me miss my R6 oh what fun that was(lol)
And the finished product woo hoo

A has anybody had capsaicin oil drip out of your yellow brain strains ? Ill post another picture i have when i riped it open it was like water running down my finger oh it was HOT tryed to take a breath and it made me cough. .

So this is the pepper torn up and thats the oil at the top of the plate is this normal/why it's called a super hot?
SO I had (a SMALL pc) and seriously call me a Baby but dang man it felt like my tongue accidentally touched the campfire my left nostril was turned on not running but on and had the hiccups for about 10 seconds and my lips were tingling for about a half hour