• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

grantmichaels [2013, 2015, 2016]

You moving up.to 10's ?

i think so, yeah ... might as well grow some pods this fall and mess around w/ some HS and fermented shit ...

Cumari do para was a suprisingly high heat for such a tiny pod. very citrusy. Maybe I can mail you a sfrb of pods with some in it.

Get w/ me in the second half of the coming week and I'll cross ship you a pack of Benton's and Smoke Canyon and shit ...
Two things to confess today ...
1) I haven't fed my plants anything since I planted them. They're getting by only on what was in their measly 1 gallon of soil when I potted them up.
2) I still haven't ironed out sending out the MC seeds, and realize I really need to do this soon just to give folks a shot of them a season later.
After I handle #1, I'll handle #2.
It's not really my style to totally flake out on something, but I have a real aversion to mailing things, that I simply didn't realize - until setting out to do this, lol.
sirex said:
Its OK buddy. We know you're a busy man.
The baggies of seeds are already made up ... and I have like 100 count padded envelopes ...
Just never remember to buy stamps at the grocery store, and it's totally ridiculous because I'm been to the post office twice in a week (once to ship back an extra nitrobrew kettle, and once to get flat-rate box to ship D3's box) ...
I'm just not used to thinking about mailing anything, anymore ...
Danielle said she would do it, I just need to print up all the PM's w/ addresses (which are back 3-4 pages worth of PM's at this point) ...
Maybe I can get those out next week, before it really gets full-on cray-cray at work ...
I had some early BLS show up about a week ago on a plant that had been tipped over by the wave of water running off the roof during some of that intense rain a week and a half past ...
Any plant that's touched the wet ground picked it up, and it spread from plant to plant wherever I didn't move them apart ...
That shit really is a total motherfucker, and it really DOES hang around for years just waiting to give it to you dry ...
It's the same plants that I'd already lost twice and recovered (first, they came loose/tumbled in a box from Scuba_Steve, then, they were infested w/ aphids and I sequestered them) twice, so I can't say that I'm devastated by losing them ...
It's interesting that the other trouble plants, the one's my cat at to the trunk that I ordered from sicman, also picked up the BLS - because, again, they are planted in the ground ...
So ... thankfully, my main row of plants from CCN and juanitos is free of BLS still (even though they literally grow where the old grow w/ BLS was) ... although those plants are having some light difficulties of their own - w/ catepillars and also the sun's intensity, having shifted in the sky over the months ...
So ... you know ... the usual BS growing pepper plants in an everyday-rainy ... too humid climate ... fun, fun ...
Beers going well, have enough hot sauce and powder for the next decade, so it doesn't really matter much to me, I'm afraid ...
Is that one of yours?  What creates the amount of head?  Is it the amount of co2 you use?
Third MW hot sauce just about done.  Expect a package in about a month for taste testing.  One Siracha style, one with plums and one with mango.
tctenten said:
Is that one of yours?  What creates the amount of head?  Is it the amount of co2 you use?
Third MW hot sauce just about done.  Expect a package in about a month for taste testing.  One Siracha style, one with plums and one with mango.
Sounds great - love that pod ...
I really need to try a HS ... I have to freeze more peppers this weekend, again, because I'm not going to have time after work, exercise, and brewing ...
As for the beer, I had just poured it, and the CO2 level is a little above serving pressure because it's still force carb'ing ...
You can sit the keg in there at 8-12 psi and wait a week or two, or you can put it at 30-35 for a night, and then do a couple of days at 15-20, and then get it down there and be drinking sooner etc etc ...
That beer is the one that I lowered the pressure on the regulator, but forgot the purge the extra pressure from the keg, and it overpowered the picnic tap and leaked like a gallon of beer into the keezer floor ...
Enough that it soaked two regular bath towels to sop it up =/ ...
That's the thing about powering ahead at something, though, IMHO ...
Your still going to experience all of the bumps and potholes ... and they're going to come one right after another, too ...
It's all good.
Just means that keg will be done sooner, and that means another can be brewed, and they are getting better and better, all of the time ...
Assuming both the Darkness Everybody and Charliewine (my two most recent) turn out, I'll be 7 for 9.
I share all of the problems in more detail than the success - a picture of beer all over the floor seems more valuable in sharing than a picture of beer in a glass ...
Wheebz is probably the only person who knows how much I'm enjoying it, because we've talked a on the phone a couple of times ...
Make no mistake, despite the anxious moments after each batch waiting to see whether the fermentation's taken right, I'm absolutely loving brewing - it's a great hobby.
I think I've crammed a year of brewing into 6 months - but, it's such that I crammed 1 month into the 1st three months, and 11 months into the last 3 months, if you will ...
BLS ...


Pepper life ...


Future HS exploration, likely ...








The BLS wiped out the quarantine garden in less than two weeks. Plants loaded w/ pods w/ sores, kind of a shame ... those plants were living on doubly-borrowed time, though, haha ...

The pestilence is threatening the rest of the plants, although I'm playing chicken, because it's the time of year w/ the just won't take chemicals well ...

Enough plants will survive the summer, and I'm happy because aji pineapple is fine, and the various thai's are fine, and those are the most useful peppers to me for cooking ...

Anyways ...

That's a lot of peppers do deseed. I feel ya, I spent a good 3 hours deseeding pods today. Half for the smoker and a baggie for the freezer. 
cypresshill1973 said:
How many time keeps fresh peppers into vacuum?
I thought like you do next season...
The vac helps them not get to freezer-burnt ... but basically I'm expecting to plop them into a pot w/ onion/garlic and whatever else to make hot sauce down the line in the winter ...
I have more JHP powder than my digestive tract could handle in two years, and at least a year's worth of sauce and jelly each ...