• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Grass Snake's 2015 Glog

My first Glog and maybe my last depending on how it goes in 2015. Still trying to come up with a game plan but went ahead and started most of my seeds. I plan on using mostly pots but a raised bed is likely if I can get my pool demo completed in time. Wicked Mike's seed train helped me get a crap load of seeds to start the new season. Along with my 3 Aji dulce that are overwinters, I'm hoping for 50 successful plants this season. Still some seeds to sow but here it is THP. Meathead1313 hooked me up with some nice pods like cgn21500, SB7J, Jimmy Nardello and others that will fill the open slots. Joemomma also gets some credit for sending me free pods.

Here whats happening so far, I got way too many seedlings in each pellet. Last season I had a low germ rate so decided to put five seeds in each spot. I would like to transplant some but I already have enough to meet my goal so I'll probably cut all but the strongest ones. Cgn21500, Jimmy Nardello, Tepin x Lemondrop, Barrackpore 7 Pot, Yellow 7, and 3 unidentified varieties from joemomma pods were included since the first post. Special thanks to LS929, a member here who was kind enough to donate 5 plants, which include 2 Cheiro Roxa, 2 Bishop hats and a Primo. The primo plant has something funky going on with it so I posted a pics hoping you guys can help.


Above are the Cherio Roxas and Bishop hats, the sick Primo is below
Most welcome bro!!
I'm sorry about the Primo!
That was one of the varieties I managed to salvage when aphids tried to take over all my plants. Keyword here is TRIED!! 
I'd kill those suckers viciously!! I'd burn them to the ground if needed!! 
The holes and brown spots in the primo are from aphid damage and the yellowing could be a result of that as well. The yellowing is centered around the aphid bites so no worries at the moment but if it spreads let us know. A lot of my plants have ditched the aphid damaged leaves and are already putting new growth out bro. 
At any rate, looks awesome!! Good luck with the rest of the season and I'll be watching!!