• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Grass Snake's 2016 grow

This year I'm growing some more common stuff that I can use in my cooking.
The fence is to keep my dog and other critters at bay. The bed was filled with a high-quality mix made with native soils. The brick I had lying around from when I reduced the size of my flower bed in front of my house.

Current grow list:
Beefsteak tomato
Roma tomato
Jalapeño pepper
Shishito pepper
Green bell pepper
Texas sweet onions

I wanna add a Cayenne type pepper, garlic and some Culantro real soon.
SavinaRed said:
the green bhut looks sic and nasty .
Not the hottest pepper but maybe the most unfortable pepper I've eaten. The burn was in my esophagus and stomach. The flavor was off too, it didn't have that fruitiness I've tasted in other bhuts. Just unpleasant...
Went ahead and made a proper compost pile, the 55 gallon drum was a joke. Next on the list, build a greenhouse over my garden. Still trying to figure that out..


  • 20161119_143939.jpg
    225.5 KB · Views: 37
Yeah cold front here too :shh:
Dew point looks OK so I'm doing nothing, 35° and low dew point, for one day. I'll be up at 4AM to check. If I see frost I'll turn the sprinklers on.
Good luck, you're way north of me!
OCD Chilehead said:
That's how I usually do it. Looks good. Amazing how much heat builds in the day. I've seen people fill up black milk jugs full of water, for heat absorption and release.
That's a good idea, I'm hoping the brick border around the garden will retain some heat to help as well.
+1 on #56 ;)
How did you do with this latest cold?
We were slated for 31°, due to our elevation I expected 36°, and that's what we got. Although we took all the precautions..and we're good, until next time?