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Great to have friends

Isn't it? Isn't it wonderful to have friends who share a common interest with you?

I got a package in the mail today. I was expecting it to contain maybe a dozen of these tasty red and green chilis AT THE MOST! Would you look at this! What makes it twice as good is in July we missed the Hatch exit on the interstate both coming and going. It's a thousand miles away from where I live and I blew it--twice!

Here's what I'm talking about. Say hello to the world famous Hatch New Mexico Valley Green Chilies.


Gonna be doing some roasting tonight! :woohoo:

Thank you Michael. Thank you very much.
Hell yeah!

I've been eating so many of these bad boys for the past couple of weeks that I think my skin is turning green... People claim that there are some numex types grown in hatch that are pretty spicy but I cant seem to find any... Delicious nonetheless. Chow down!!!
Curios to see what you think of the heat on the XX and XXX. Funny story, when we went to hatch, my wife brought her cousin visiting from Denver. He wanted to take some back home with him so he asked for some of the milder stuff. Since I was buying a bunch, the owner gave him a few bags of roasted and bagged medium hot Big Jims for free. We decided to open a bag to taste it. I gave a thumbnail piece to my 2 1/2 year old son and he huff and puffed for a few seconds, asked for sip of water from the bottle I was holding then walked off with a big smile. He really loves the burn. When my wife's cousin saw this he took a huge bite out of the remaining chile. He turned bright red and proceeded to get the hiccups. I did not think it was possible for that to happen. He grew up in Mexico and I figured he had been exposed to some chile. Then to add insult to injury… a few minutes later he rubbed his eye with the same hand he picked up the chile. We had the med kit from the car out… you would have thought he had been shot. LOL Anyway he recovered and got to listen to me give him a hard time about it the whole way home.
Curios to see what you think of the heat on the XX and XXX. Funny story, when we went to hatch, my wife brought her cousin visiting from Denver. He wanted to take some back home with him so he asked for some of the milder stuff. Since I was buying a bunch, the owner gave him a few bags of roasted and bagged medium hot Big Jims for free. We decided to open a bag to taste it. I gave a thumbnail piece to my 2 1/2 year old son and he huff and puffed for a few seconds, asked for sip of water from the bottle I was holding then walked off with a big smile. He really loves the burn. When my wife's cousin saw this he took a huge bite out of the remaining chile. He turned bright red and proceeded to get the hiccups. I did not think it was possible for that to happen. He grew up in Mexico and I figured he had been exposed to some chile. Then to add insult to injury… a few minutes later he rubbed his eye with the same hand he picked up the chile. We had the med kit from the car out… you would have thought he had been shot. LOL Anyway he recovered and got to listen to me give him a hard time about it the whole way home.

Haha, thats one tough kid you got there.

You know, I bet I have never actually tried (or at least recently enough to remember well) the true XX and XXX types (what is it, barker, lumbre, some other extra hot version...?). I always get my hatch chile in Albuquerque where my family lives, rather than trekking all the way out to Hatch, and the vendors usually don't know the name of their chile beyond "hatch green" and some denomination of heat level. The hottest version they have is never that hot, but I've probably just been consistently buying in the wrong places for the last 10 years lol... I'll have to try harder I guess

Do either of you have a favorite extra hot Hatch green variety for roasting?

Patrick do you know anything about those chile's in your gift package beyond where they were grown? PS, relleno pics are mandatory if you make some :P
Haha, thats one tough kid you got there.

You know, I bet I have never actually tried (or at least recently enough to remember well) the true XX and XXX types (what is it, barker, lumbre, some other extra hot version...?). I always get my hatch chile in Albuquerque where my family lives, rather than trekking all the way out to Hatch, and the vendors usually don't know the name of their chile beyond "hatch green" and some denomination of heat level. The hottest version they have is never that hot, but I've probably just been consistently buying in the wrong places for the last 10 years lol... I'll have to try harder I guess

Do either of you have a favorite extra hot Hatch green variety for roasting?

Patrick do you know anything about those chile's in your gift package beyond where they were grown? PS, relleno pics are mandatory if you make some :P

Yes, They call Lumbre the XXX and Barker the XX. I get usually get 25% Big Jim, 25% Lumbre and 50% Barker. Lumber is great, but the chiles are a bit small overall. It's better for Hot Chile con Queso. Barker seems meatier and quite a but bigger on average. For stuffing and the whole family the Medium-Hot Big Jim are a must.

There has to be a farm in Albuquerque that sells green chile. Most of the time I don’t go all the way to hatch. I usually pick the chile myself at a few different farms in Las Cruces. They always know which variety they planted.
Great score, Patrick. And Beagle, it must be nice to have chile fields close enough to pick from. I've never seen one in Kansas, although my back yard is starting to resemble one ;-)
You mean these all aren't the same variety? Tells you what I know about Hatch chili's. Anyway to tell them apart? I'm going to have so much fun with these.

Beaglestorm thanks for answering flamecycle's questions.

Too windy last night to get the grill going but it's looking real good right now. I'll get some roasting done today
You mean these all aren't the same variety? Tells you what I know about Hatch chili's. Anyway to tell them apart? I'm going to have so much fun with these.

Beaglestorm thanks for answering flamecycle's questions.

Too windy last night to get the grill going but it's looking real good right now. I'll get some roasting done today

LOL yea I should have mentioned that. The ones in the newspaper and the ones in the blueprints were different. I wrote XX-Barker and XXX-lumbre on the outside but it probably just looked like chicken scratch.

Next year I am just sending one variety. That will make it much easier to fill the box, and I can probably fit 3 times more in it with out all the paper.
I was wondering what the XX's were. Oh well, not to worry Mike it's all good! I had to wait on roasting them. I have a buddy who was almost in tears when I told him I had them and was getting ready to roast a few. He couldn't make it tonight but said he would find time this weekend even if he had to divorce the wife! Man loves his peppers.