Green Arrow

I have been growing organic vegetables for fifty year, in midlands of S..C. on family's farm. I have an small orchard & some double dug raised beds.
I plant in rows also, peppers, tomatoes, carrots, collards, turnips, beans & southern peas. I am starting to use more perennials & Edible flowers to get away from so many annual seeds. Horse radish, sunchokes, asparagus & garlic are just a few. I am retired from machine maintenance after forty years. So now play on my twenty nine acre farm. I have pineapples & ginger in pots, everything else is in the ground, because being in zone 8a I have seven months without frost. With a cheap high tunnel I could get nine maybe ten months of growth. My Blueberries bloomed in Feb. this spring, cold snap killed 90%.
Well that it.
Welcome,, Wev'e been growing Clean foods, since 1972
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