Green chiles

Anyone know what these actually are?
My family is a fan of them on most things Mexican so I was thinking about putting some on the grow list next year but I have no idea what variety they are.
     Those are Anaheims. 
edit: And, yeah they are delicious! They have a permanent place in my garden. I'm also going to try NMSU's Heritage Big Jim next year - bigger pods, with (supposedly) more flavor. Lemme know if you want seeds.
Hatch chiles are one of many varieties of Anaheim's. Hatch chiles are supposed to only be grown in Hatch, New Mexico, and they are HOT! The canned ones are just your everyday Anaheim's, and very mild. but roasted and peeled... damm tasty. I would recommend trying to get your hands on some seeds from Hatch, (but you won't be able to call them that, because Hatch has some regional proprietary right to the name), a little added heat never keeled nobody.
ah didn't know that.  I have some green lumbre hatch chiles that apparently came from a Univ. in New Mexico
edit-seeds, not pods
I don't think seeds are that hard to get, you just can't sell the seeds or pods you reap as "Hatch Chiles" because of the proprietary thing.
Kind of like japan and their "Kobe Beef".
The Aneheim is an old variety of New Mexico No. 9 taken and grown near Anaheim, CA. Most NuMex varieties are hotter and more flavorful. You can get several NuMex varieties from the Chile Pepper Institute,, and you can buy Lumbres directly from the source, ChileseedsUSA,
chileaddict said:
You can buy certified seeds straight from the Hatch farm that developed the Big Jim green chile with NMSU. The Lumbre is a very hot chile they have developed over the years which is a cross between Big Jim and pequins. They now are the size of Sandias, but much hotter. Solor Dry Chile Products is the place to get them or also at their store. 
There he is... the man that KNOWS green Chiles!