chinense Green Habanero [ripens to green]

Does anyone have any personal experience growing or tasting this puppy? :)

Vendor info:
We selected this variety from a cross of Habanero Herold St Barths with a brown Habanero. This is the only known very hot Capsicum chinense variety with pods that remain green upon maturing. Stable after several generations with a very good taste.
Playing devil's advocate... if they are ripe green then why are they turning red in the picture?  It reminds me of a green bell or jalapeno that isn't ripe, it's just picked green because that's what people are used to at the grocery store.
@Chile_Freak  I wasn't aware of those two. I guess that vendor isn't either! Thanks for mentioning them.
@Dave2000 Something must be wrong with the links because I don't see it turning red. Though there seems to be reddish brown undertones.
Dave2000 said:
^  My point is that in that link, reddish brown undertones are not so different from the reddish undertones a green bell or jalapeno will take as it starts to ripen, that it's probable that if one merely waits a bit longer they would turn redder still.
At one time,this was one of maybe two chinense that ripened green. There are no less than 6 right now,guessing maybe more. Typical ripe color is greenish khaki. A lot of people are labeling them "mustard" now.
I just picked a couple of these today. They were a different shade of green than a month ago. Slight olive tone instead of the dark green before. Will taste in the next hour with my coworkers.

Later Mike
4 pm;
Just a little bit of bitterness, plenty of heat, otherwise hab flavor.  I'll leave the other on the counter for a couple days to see if it changes any more color.
Those green hornets Jamie is growing are pretty damn tasty, ripen to a camo green color! (Sorry whoever's seeds the green hornet are, I only know Jamie is growing them not who he got them from, I never asked)