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Green June Beetle Invasion!!!!!!!!1

Went out and ran some errands this morning only to return to see the lawn infested with these huge flying insects. At first I thought they were giant hornets of some sort or cicada killers, but no. I killed one with a broom and found out that they are in fact the Green June Beetle, and they are everywhere in one area of the yard. Nowhere else. Now, what can I do to get rid of them? Will they harm my peppers? THey are crazy and seems like this is going to be a tough battle if some predators don't move in soon. THanks in advance.

http://ento.psu.edu/extension/factsheets/green-june-beetle Here is a link. Apparently they can eat fruit off plants.....I've noticed they are only sticking to one area for now. I don't know what to do. I can move all my plants if need be, but really need to know what to do. Anyone have issues with these ginormous flying beasts?
Well as a first line of defense and some exercise I opted to use the ole racketball racket and start home running those bastards into next week. A downside is now I have guts and assorted beetle parts on the racket and my neighbors think I am crazy.......
Well as a first line of defense and some exercise I opted to use the ole racketball racket and start home running those bastards into next week. A downside is now I have guts and assorted beetle parts on the racket and my neighbors think I am crazy.......
:rofl: :rofl:
Wow thats funny. SilverSurfer got me using Green Light with spinosad and that stuff works great for me. It murdered those alphids within minutes of application. Looking for a mini turret that kills insects for you.
Lol, well the thing with these is they are not on my plants but in my yard. Nickel sized beetles. HUGE. Clumsy fliers as I batted about a dozen to their maker. I just read that they are attracted to some fruits...... I mean there were honestly at least 100 of these things in a 200 sq. ft. area. Insane. My dog did not think they were tasty either. I wish I would've taken some video of this craziness.

As a kid we would tie a thread to one of their legs and have a mini powered aircraft. I haven't seen a June bug around here in ages. They won't stay around very long.
Lol, well the thing with these is they are not on my plants but in my yard. Clumsy fliers as I batted about a dozen to their maker. I mean there were honestly at least 100 of these things in a 200 sq. ft. area. Insane. I wish I would've taken some video of this craziness.
I agree, I think it would have been pretty entertaining to watch a "mad man" out in the yard with a tennis racket swatting at bugs! :rofl: :crazy:
We had a street light that the cover was broken on the street that I grew up on. Much brighter than the rest of the street. We would get June bugs by the hundreds. They always made such a satisfying crunch under your foot. Like SS says they won't be around for long so have some fun with them.
Yeah, it just caught me by surprise because it was noon, ya know? Either way....they are gone today. It was just a crazy sight to see for sure. The dogs had a field day with em too.

Here is a pick of one of them. Today they popped up again in a force. I might even post a video of me attacking them.

Ok here is the video. Bwahahaha.