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Green"office" plants

Can't call the place a greenhouse, but the plants are growing in a window with no supplemental lighting at all.

The hydro units were kitty litter buckets. The lettuce and bean are in in 2" net pots, the tom, a five-inch pot. The lettuce has been there for about three weeks and the tomato since the 10th.

This bean is NOT a pole bean but it is growing like one. Today, it bloomed.


Here's the lettuce. The sunlight was streaming through the window:


And finally the Siletz tomato. Hoping to have a ripe one by May 1.


Everyone looks quite happy with their spot in the window. Lettuce especially.

Unfortunately I sit on the south-east side of a rather large office building, so we don't get any direct sunlight or my office would be full of plants.

As it is, I just have a jade plant and a bear paw succulent on the windowsill.
Man, they look great.

I'm down in the dungeon, even the peace plant in the breakroom struggles to survive.
good looking plants Mike...

the building I work in has absolutely no windows...
We harvested some leaves from the lettuce today. Next Tuesday, I'm taking bacon, tomatoes, bread and mayonnaise to the office! By Derby Day, I hope to pluck a tomato from the vine!

Two weeks from the first pix so here's an update. The tomato:


It has developed several sprouts but I need to get it "caged" soon.

The lettuce. We have been cutting leaves off it daily.


What I thought was a bean is actually a pea. Here is one of about seven pods on the plant:


An update on my office plants. This head of lettuce is probably getting close to bolting.


My tomato plant doesn't have any fruit yet but it has several blossoms. It has 26 days to produce a ripe tomato.


This is not my pet but a creature that comes up on the porch and eats the cats' food. It also washes its paws in the water bowl.


I'm finally a dad! One bloom has turned into a tomato, about double the size of a pea. It's been about 60 days since I first put it in the water, but at that time is was a very small seedling - just tall enough to be above a 5" net pot. If I subtract 28 days (about how much longer it would take for it to be big enough to transplant into dirt), this thing would be about a 60, maybe 65 day tomato. Then again, if it was getting summer sun instead of February and March sun, it very well could be a 55 day tomato. The guy who bought the first two plants from me, and has them in a window facing the same was has buds now - three weeks after planting them.

I counted at least five baby toms yesterday and another twenty or so blooms yesterday. The largest green tom is about the size of a large cherry mater.

This plant seems to do a good job pollinating itself and setting fruit with temps between 55 and 75. It is still producing sprouts but not growing much taller - it is less than 3' high and that includes the reservoir that is about a foot high.

Thanks, Quad, but it's all luck! The most I have done in the way of "expert care" is check the pH and PPM once! Oh, and I have to spray the plant with soapy water a couple of days a week - some toms or basil I brought to the office to sell must have had a few billion aphids on them, though I didn't see any.

Ciao Mike-

I bet those plants cheer you up while you're working! If you fondle those tomato blossoms, you should get more fruit.

PS glad you figured out you had a pea plant there, lol.

I'm finding I don't need to massage the flowers to get fruit - they are doing a great job by themselves. It may be the plants (they are suppose to be parthenocarpic) or that the heater/AC blows directly on it.

It sure is one thirsty plant. I had filled the tank Friday and by Tuesday I had to add 2 gallons of water.

Hey Mike,

Where did you end up with this adventure? Did the Siletz produce a ripe tomato by May 1:?:

Just curious. I thought this was a pretty cool idea:idea:.

I had a ripe tomato on about May 3. The lettuce never did bolt, but it got so tall it fell over. Found out an important fact about hydro - airstones get clogged and can really hurt a plant!

Just sowed some mater seeds and I'm thinking about growing one agsin this year, but in dirt.
