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greenhouse Greenhouse Pepper Porn 05-16-09

AlabamaJack said:
I am growing chocolate habs, mustard habs, red savinas, red caribbean, cappucnino habs, caribbean red, hot caribbean and red habanero but no orange habs

I would hate for the world to end during the start of a grow season, ...yup...that's it, I gotta get some orange habs to throw in the mix...back later

Now I think I will be able to sleep tonight!
you guys crack me up....

patrick said:
Agree 100% on the need for something to do when you retire AJ. Just make sure when you go to bed at night you're not worried about enough getting done.

Took me a bit to get used to it, I'm sure you'll do just fine. You nervous?

no sir, not nervous at all...been planning this for 5 years...if I don't get done in a day what I want, I can do it the next day...

wordwiz said:
And you still have 200 to go???

I don't think I'll have 386 plants total, and that includes potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, beans, basil and onions! Now maybe if I include the carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower!


then you better get busy Mike...what are you?...a slacker? :lol:

caroltlw said:
Dang. I thought we were all good until 2012. :shocked:

we may be, but I want to grow my peppers until the end of time...

Armadillo said:
Now I think I will be able to sleep tonight!

I am glad I could oblige you 'dillo...

peppermo said:

Incredible plants as always.

thanks peppermo...


only got 47 transplanted today...

here is my inventory...will post some pics on my next post...

Ok...after one bloody mary and 7 shiner blacks...I am finally finished...has been a long day...


here are the three store bought orange habs I got at Homus Depos...I find it totally hilarious that Bonnie Plants advertise the orange hab as the worlds hottest habanero pepper...they just don't get it do they?


and here are 5 Passow Piquaranos...just for you Iggy...and thank you my friend..


and 11 Trinidad Scorpion Morougas....thanks Chris...


it has been a long day and my sweet wife has beef stroganof ready for me...I'm hungry...time to eat...
My stomach growled when I saw that list of peppers.....

Great photos also.

What a wonderful selection!

You have some good hot sauce recipes?

Sounds like you had a long day AJ. I really like that last pic. The red really makes the plants pop.
Wow! Thanks for the pic, AJ!!!!!! If I might give some advice (ya know, since I created this strain and all ;) ), pinch teh top on all of them. You'll get alot more peppers and this will prevent the plants from getting 10 feet tall in one season :lol:

For this strain, short and bushy is better than tall and skinny.

Although, if you want to do a comparison of tall vs short, that might be a fun expariment (crop some, leave others to grow).
Bob_B said:
My stomach growled when I saw that list of peppers.....

Great photos also.

What a wonderful selection!

You have some good hot sauce recipes?


thanks Bob...I use the same basic recipe for most of my stuff...peppers, tomatos, cilantro, garlic, onion, agave nectar, and some vinegar...

I tried a plum hot sauce last year and it turned out pretty good...will probably make some more this year...just experimenting with different flavors...

Josh said:
Sounds like you had a long day AJ. I really like that last pic. The red really makes the plants pop.

I did the auto correct thing in microsoft picture manager and this is how it turned out...

imaguitargod said:
Wow! Thanks for the pic, AJ!!!!!! If I might give some advice (ya know, since I created this strain and all ;) ), pinch teh top on all of them. You'll get alot more peppers and this will prevent the plants from getting 10 feet tall in one season :lol:

For this strain, short and bushy is better than tall and skinny.

Although, if you want to do a comparison of tall vs short, that might be a fun expariment (crop some, leave others to grow).

will probably pinch the tops on the largest ones and leave the smaller ones to grow on out...

splitcane said:
Kool Pepper Patch AJ...!

thanks split...
pinch the top of is that something i should on all chileplants ? sorry for hijacking your thread for my first post in this wonderfull forum.

Re: bonnie orange habs.

Got the same distributor here for walmart, lowes, etc. and I giggled at the "world's hottest" label too. Some of the habs looked pretty good though. I was surprised since the other peppers are usually spindly.
Magnum said:
pinch the top of is that something i should on all chileplants ? sorry for hijacking your thread for my first post in this wonderfull forum.


I know a lot of growers on the forum pinch the tops to make the plants bushier, but I don't. I will pinch the tops of a couple of the Passow Piquaranos because Iggy suggested it. I usually don't have to worry about them being bushy because once they get outside, the wind "pinches" them for me.