greenhouse Greenhouse project

Little photo update, still need to put a roof on it and need to place the foil. Also build the chicken coop (prefab stuff from planks and some pine beams) with some roofing. Also need to add some more diagonals in the greenhouse, but my arm is numb.. so..



The living part of the coop is 110cm x 75cm x 75cm (3' 7"  x  2' 6" x  2' 6")  and the laying part is 60cm x 30cm x 35cm  (24" x 12" x 14") and is meant for my Auracana hens (tailless variety).
ajdrew said:
That is not a chicken coup, that there is a chicken condominium.  Damn fine chicken house.
I second that!  Makes the one I've been looking at seem...ghetto'ish, haha.
What can I say, like the old one always said.. you need a nice place if you want to bring chicks home, you need a nice place.

Though not entirely sure if he meant chickens......

Thanks for the compliments guys, it was a day well spent.
Some more pics (else it didn't happen). I worked on the roofing of the greenhouse. Opted for large panels that will also be covered with foil, they can be lifted horizontal to vent on the north side (wind usually hits from the S/SW/W here). I added an extra 28mm (1 inch and a bit) stick to help support the foil.

