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greenhouse greenhouse vs. indoors

what is the benefit to a greenhouse vs. growing indoors?
I know the facts that a greenhouse can extend the season but is it better than taking the plants indoors?
is the purpose of a greenhouse just for the warmth or do they really let sunlight in?
some of the ones i see dont look like any light really gets to the plants.
I live in michigan and im not sure which way to go when the time comes and the season winds down.
i have a room indoors that would be perfect for an indoor setup.I also have enough room for a greenhouse.
the greenhouse would need a heater on quite a bit.but if i go indoors i need lights and fans etc..
any input is appreciated.
the easy answer is to do both im sure.lol
but the war department wont approve both.so,what ya think?
i live in michigan also here is what im thinking of buying

They really let the sun light in, up to 85-90% depending on the material.
Sun is stronger and better than any grow light and is FREE. With a gh you get the strongest light source in a controlled environment that dont suffer too much from bad weather.
My advice is to use a greenhouse as long as you can without the heater and build a minimal indoor setup just to start new plants very early.
If your goal is to grow all year round in a gh you need a serious heater (depending how cold is your winter) and supplemental lights when the days become too short.


I wish I had a greenhouse, and at that price I might buy one. I would hook up a sort of geothermal system for heating as well as a warm wall so I could grow year round.
I wish I had a greenhouse, and at that price I might buy one. I would hook up a sort of geothermal system for heating as well as a warm wall so I could grow year round.

please tell me more about "geothermal systems" and a "warmwall".
you got my curiosity peaked.