Greetings and hello!

Hello Everyone, 

I am I guess new to peppers? I was really introduced to peppers by Ted Barrus (who I realize for various reasons is not popular here and that is ok). By introduced I do not mean I watched a lot of his crazy videos, I mean I was a personal friend back in Pullman Washington before he really started doing all his crazy stunts. In fact I am even in a couple of his very first videos when it was really just about some good sauce and pods. 

I learned then that I a, not a heat for heat's sake person, I love some flavor too. Honestly one of my favorite pepper related foods is the silver leaf marinated garlic with ghost peppers! Great flavor. 

Anyways, I am here to do some research into the best ways to grow peppers in doors. My father recently wanted to start growing trinidad scorpian morugas, (Sp?) but he lives in Montana and so does not have a lot of outside growing time throughout the year. So hopefully I can find the information we need, and I appreciate any help/advice on the subject. 

Along the way I might even start growing myself down here in Cali and see if I can make something similar to those garlic cloves by silver leaf I love so much, for my own consumption!

Looking forward to chatting with everyone!
:welcome: to the THP forums from SC! Nice to have you aboard!
I've heard several people mention and recommend those garlic cloves by Silverleaf... I guess I'l have to go ahead try them out sometime in the future! ;)  (I love things like that... be it marinated garlic, olives, mushrooms, peppers, etc..)  
El Sergio said:
I learned then that I a, not a heat for heat's sake person, I love some flavor too. Honestly one of my favorite pepper related foods is the silver leaf marinated garlic with ghost peppers! Great flavor. 
Indeed it is good!

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