Greetings from 7B: UGA Reporting In.

Hey everyone, great forum you have here! I've been reading this site for a while as a lurker and decided to finally join the fun.  I've been posting on the reddit forum r/HotPeppers for a while but that group is mostly really small gardeners and people posting pictures of a small spot or chew mark on a leaf and asking why the sky is falling. It was time to move over here.
I'm studying Plant Breeding at University of Georgia, specializing in genetic transformation and genome engineering in row crops, but hot chiles have been a hobby of mine since about 2012.  This season I'm growing ~25 varieties including a few Guatemalan landraces, a couple of F1s, and one F2 population. When I put it like that it sounds so serious, but my largest garden doesn't get quite enough hours of sun so i'm not expecting huge harvests.
Looking forward to talking to you all, and learning more about the community.
Does anyone know what the best meetups or festivals in the southeast are?
Welcome from the NW corner of SC, not too far from you. Sounds like you are doing some interesting things. With your background, you'll be able to contribute a lot to the forum.