I've been lurking on the forum for a while and decided to create an account.
I am a backyard pepper breeder, mostly focusing on sweet peppers, but am starting to branch out into hot peppers as well.
The turning factor for me was learning how to make pepper jelly (jalapenos originally) which allowed me to eat hotter peppers and tasting my first floral hot pepper (Orange Tepin).
I am now on a mission to make a good floral pepper jelly (cultivar recommendations appreciated) and potentially tame down some of the floral-tasting hot peppers for fresh use by people without a death-wish (which I understand is most of you).
I have a few other breeding projects for peppers and ground cherry (a relative of tomatillos) going as well, but I promise not to bore you by talking about the ones not related to hot peppers too much.
One burning question I have for you pepper experts: what are some cultivars like Orange Tepin that have that fruity, floral flavor to them? Every year or so I try a vegetable that changes my life and Orange Tepin was definitely that vegetable this year.
Anyway, glad to be here and nice to meet you all,
I am a backyard pepper breeder, mostly focusing on sweet peppers, but am starting to branch out into hot peppers as well.
The turning factor for me was learning how to make pepper jelly (jalapenos originally) which allowed me to eat hotter peppers and tasting my first floral hot pepper (Orange Tepin).
I am now on a mission to make a good floral pepper jelly (cultivar recommendations appreciated) and potentially tame down some of the floral-tasting hot peppers for fresh use by people without a death-wish (which I understand is most of you).
I have a few other breeding projects for peppers and ground cherry (a relative of tomatillos) going as well, but I promise not to bore you by talking about the ones not related to hot peppers too much.
One burning question I have for you pepper experts: what are some cultivars like Orange Tepin that have that fruity, floral flavor to them? Every year or so I try a vegetable that changes my life and Orange Tepin was definitely that vegetable this year.
Anyway, glad to be here and nice to meet you all,