Greetings from Kuala Lumpur

Have been growing peppers, mainly hot varieties, for some years now. As I'm lucky enough to live in the tropics they thrive and produce fruit all year round. Well, nearly. The location where I keep the pots doesn't get much sun during Dec-Feb and although I still get some growth it's not as abundant as during the rest of the year.
Other than watering and the occasional fertilizer shot I let them grow and thrive au naturel as much as possible. The only issue I have is with whitefly, which I am forced to deal with regularly, spraying them with a mix of water and neem oil and a dash of dishwasher liquid. But even that is mostly a problem during the three months without much sun.
I keep them all in a row of fairly large pots, four plants to a pot. Other that the bog-standard Southeast Asian chillies I've got Vietnamese ones that I believe are frutescens (mature plants are barely 20cm high, with tiny leaves and fruit - no more than 20mm), habanero and reapers. Also a couple of pots with ramiro and sweet baby bells for a bit of variety in the kitchen.
Right now I'm stumped with a single, aberrant fruit on one of the habanero plants, but I'll post my query in the appropriate forum, with pics.
PaulG said:
:welcome: from the Pacific NorthWest, USA!
Really looking forward to seeing some pictures
of your tropical grow!
Sure, but it'll have to wait until spring, for the sun to hit the plants and start stimulating them.
Siv said:
Welcome to THP! I lived in KL from 2001 to 2006 - it's a wonderful place. I miss the food terribly!
Yes, the food isn't too bad...  ;)  but I have a slight preference for the Thai and Indian cuisines! And I still have to find a restaurant here serving food that's as hot as I make it. Now, S'pore is another matter - did you ever get the chance to try out Lagnaa Barefoot Dining there?