Greetings from Savannah, Ga Area

Just wanted to say Hi to all the Pepper Heads. I've been growing peppers for the past 6 years, but have been growing the super hots for 2 years now. I have Trinidad Butch "T"'s, Tasmanian Habanero II, Jamician Scotch Bonnets, Yellow Ghost, and Red Cowhorn for the heat side along with Yellow and Orange Bells, peppercini's and Acient Sweets. I make and sell alot of my relish and hot sauce by word of mouth (or should I say "Burn of Mouth" ). The plants that I have now are in their 2nd growing season. I wintered them in a homemade greenhouse after a super season last year and now it looks like I'll be growing into November again this year.  
Welcome to THP.                                                                            From St. Aug.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida! :woohoo: